Just include Tpl.php file, everything else is loaded dynamicly via PHP autoload magic ;)
require 'Tpl.php';
echo new Tpl( 'layout' ) // Get new template from file ([path/]filename[.extention])
->set( 'title', 'My Test Page') // Set simple data like page title
->set( 'content', // Set complex data like another template
Tpl( 'content' ) // Use new Tpl syntax or Tpl function alias
->set( 'users', array( array( // this template is a "user" loop, it needs array of data
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'user name',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'banned' => true
) ) )
->indent( 2 ) // Indent the result for nice source ;)
- Default template file extention is .phtml
- Default template file path is configurable by modyfying Tpl::$path
- Values set with by example "->set( 'name', ... )" are available in template file as $this->name and $name
- Values passed as Object are casted to string in there variable form, i.e. typeof $this->name == 'object' and typeof $name == 'string'
require 'Tpl.php';
// Classic cache handling
$Tpl = new Tpl( 'layout' );
// Get /my/path/myCache.html cache (expires after 3600s)
$cache = $Tpl->cached( 'myCache', 3600, '/my/path' );
if ( $cache ) // Cache exists, use it
echo $cache;
else // Or process
echo $Tpl
->set( 'content', ... ) // Build content html
->cache( 'myCache', '/my/path' ); // Save cache in /my/path/myCache.html
// Or generate automatic cache id
echo $Tpl = new Tpl( 'layout' )
->set( 'content', ... )
->cache(); // Cache method can be called without id, ->cache( null, '/my/path' ) is ok
$cacheId = $Tpl->id(); // Get md5 hash id of the cached file (/{sys_tempdir}/{$cacheId}.html)
- Expire duration is given in second, default is 3600 seconds
- If path is ommited, it use system temp directory
For now Tpl offers 2 helpers to handle CSS & JS inclusion in your template files, see example usage below. In main template "layout.phtml" file:
echo $this->css( 'style.css' ) // Append style.css (& "echo" will print all added css!)
->append( 'print.css', 'print' ); // Append file with print media attribute
->append( 'handheld.css', 'phone' ); // Css offers usefull preset media queries alias
echo $this->js()->prepend( 'jquery' ); // Print all js prepended by latest jQuery from Goggle CDN
In sub template "content.phtml" file:
$this->css( 'my/plugin/file.css' ); // Add plugin style
$this->js( 'my/plugin/jquery.file.js' ) // Add jQuery plugin
->append( '! $.support.feature && alert("Your browser sucks!");' ); // Add plain JS
->append( '$.plugin( "selector" );', 'ready' ); // Call plugin on ready jQuery event
You can easily create you own helpers, just create a class with "init" static method.
class Menu { // Basic menu helper
function init ( $links, $class = 'primary' ) { // Helpers need at least an init method
$menu = '<ul class="menu ' . $class '">' . PHP_EOL;
foreach ( (array) $links as $url => $text )
$menu .= '<li><a href="' . $url . '">' . $text . '</a></li>' . PHP_EOL;
return $menu . '</ul>';
And simply use it in your template files.
echo $this->menu( array( 'my/link' => 'My link' ) ); // Calls the helper init method
You can use Data objects to store / handle your data. By setting Data::$filter callback, your filter is applied when accessing data. By example, you could use data filtering to resolve basic encoding problem (PHP code in UTF-8, output HTML in ISO-*)
Data::$filter = function ( $data ) { // Applied on access ($data->property / $data['property'])
return is_string( $data ) ? utf8_decode( $data ) : $data; // Decode every string
echo Tpl( 'layout' ) // Passing array or Traversable to set method allow to set multiple properties
->set( new Data(
array( 'title' => 'àéïôù', 'content' => ... )
) );
// In the layout.phtml template file, $this->title is UTF8-decoded ;)
- Data -> Extended ArrayObject, used to store, filter and get any data. extended by: - Item -> Data with "toString" (implode with new lines) + "indent" methods, used in helpers. - Cache -> Item with simple in memory caching, used to introduce cache interface. - Tpl -> Template engine with file caching & extensible with helpers, extends Cache.
Data features: fluid interface, add "prepend"& "grep" methods + automatic filtering / modification when getting data.
- Js -> Javascript helper, extends Tpl. - Css -> CSS helper, extends Tpl. use: Style -> Item to store CSS style.
- Data - Item - Cache - Tpl (use Js and Css in __call) - Js - Css (use Style as storage) - Style