Copy the folders to the corresponding ROS-Directory (e.g. /opt/ros/indigo/share/). Take care of the ownerships and rights.
There are several Launchfiles inside the launch-Directories of the packages.
Use the record.launch-File to record the data captured by kuka youBot. Run the in youbot_driver to control the youBot.
There are modificated urdf-Files inside youbot_description. They change the namings of the frames. So check that you're using the correct urdf-files or fix the frame-mapping.
roslaunch cartographer_ros playback_mit_odometrie.launch bag_filename:=<PATH_TO_BAGFILE>
roslaunch cartographer_ros playback_mit_odometrie.launch bag_filename:=<PATH_TO_BAGFILE>
roslaunch cartographer_ros scan.launch
roslaunch hector_slam_launch hector.launch bag_filename:=<PATH_TO_BAGFILE>
roslaunch gmapping_launch gmapping.launch bag_filename:=<PATH_TO_BAGFILE>