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Setting up the Libre Translate API

Dominic Feliton edited this page Sep 9, 2024 · 6 revisions

This API is the fourth translate API supported by WorldwideChat. It's perfect for people who want to avoid major tech giants such as Google and Amazon, and is often completely free.

Setting up this API is extremely straightforward. Because API keys are rarely required by this API (it is usually free, depending on what instance you use), you can simply copy the instance's URL and set the api key to "none".

List of (some) Libre Translate Websites

URL API Key Required Payment Link Cost ✔️ Buy $19 / month, 80 requests / minute limit - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This table was copied from

Enabling Libre Translate in WorldwideChat

If you do not want to use /wwcc, you can add these values manually:

Go to the WorldwideChat plugin folder, and open config.yml. Scroll down to this section:

useLibreTranslate: true

libreAPIKey: (<---- Paste your libre API key one space after the colon. If you do not have one, type "none" (without the quotes).)

libreURL: (<---- Paste your libre url one space after the colon. For example, if I'm using, I would type "".)

Make sure that ONLY useLibreTranslate is set to true. Multiple translators cannot be enabled.

And finally, restart your Minecraft server or reload the plugin.

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