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Commands & Permissions

Dominic Feliton edited this page Dec 26, 2024 · 33 revisions

Commands and Permissions (v1.20.0)

Player commands

[required argument] (optional argument)

Command Permissions Aliases Description
/wwc worldwidechat.wwc worldwidechat Prints current WorldwideChat version.
/wwcr worldwidechat.wwcr wwcreload, translatereload Reloads WorldwideChat.
/wwcc worldwidechat.wwcc wwcconfiguration, translateconfiguration Opens up the Configuration GUI.
/wwcg (language-in) (language-out) worldwidechat.wwcg wwcglobal, gtranslate Enables chat translation to another language globally.
/wwct (playerName) (language-in) (language-out) worldwidechat.wwct wwctranslate, translate Enables chat translation to a certain language, either for you or a specific player.
/wwcl (playerName) (language) worldwidechat.wwcl wwclocalize, translatelocalize Sets your localization for this plugin (ignores server default in config.yml)
/wwcts (playerName) worldwidechat.wwcts wwctranslatesign, translatesign Enables sign translation (includes DecentHolograms) for you or another player.
/wwctb (playerName) worldwidechat.wwctb wwctranslatebook, translatebook Enables written book translation for you or another player.
/wwcti (playerName) worldwidechat.wwcti wwctranslateitem, translateitem Enables item translation for you or another player.
/wwcte (playerName) worldwidechat.wwcte wwctranslateentity, translateentity Enables entity translation (includes Citizens' NPCs) for you or another player.
/wwctci (playerName) worldwidechat.wwctci wwctranslatechatincoming, translatechatincoming Enables incoming chat translation for you or another player.
/wwctco (playerName) worldwidechat.wwctco wwctranslatechatoutgoing, translatechatoutgoing Enables outgoing chat translation for you or another player.
/wwctrl (playerName) (delay) worldwidechat.wwctrl wwctranslateratelimit, translateratelimit Sets a rate limit for the specified user.
/wwcs (playerName) worldwidechat.wwcs wwctranslatestats, translatestats Fetches translation stats for a certain player.
/wwcd [cache/checkdb/save/debugenv/reset] (clear/none/none/enable,disable/confirm) worldwidechat.wwcd wwcdebug, translatedebug Debug command with multiple functions, especially allows for cache manipulation without reloading.

Extra Permissions

Permission Description
worldwidechat.chatupdate Lets WorldwideChat notify you on login if an update is available.
worldwidechat.wwct.otherplayers Lets you use /wwct (playerName) rather than just on yourself.
worldwidechat.wwcl.otherplayers Lets you use /wwcl (playerName) rather than just on yourself.
worldwidechat.wwctb.otherplayers Lets you use /wwctb (playerName) rather than just on yourself.
worldwidechat.wwcts.otherplayers Lets you use /wwcts (playerName) rather than just on yourself.
worldwidechat.wwcti.otherplayers Lets you use /wwcti (playerName) rather than just on yourself.
worldwidechat.wwcte.otherplayers Lets you use /wwcte (playerName) rather than just on yourself.
worldwidechat.wwctci.otherplayers Lets you use /wwctci (playerName) rather than just on yourself.
worldwidechat.wwctco.otherplayers Lets you use /wwctco (playerName) rather than just on yourself.
worldwidechat.ratelimit.### Sets a ratelimit on a specified user or group with this permission, with the ### being the time, in seconds, between translations.
worldwidechat.ratelimit.exempt Exempts a user or group from rate limits, both personally and globally.
worldwidechat.blacklist.exempt Exempts a user or group from the blacklist.

Command Examples

Command Description
/wwcc Opens up the configuration GUI.
/wwcg Opens up the global chat GUI.
/wwcg English Converts whatever is detected by the API in global chat to English.
/wwcg es en Converts detected Spanish in global chat to English.
/wwct Opens up your translation GUI.
/wwct Gamer445 Opens up the translation GUI of Gamer445.
/wwct English Converts any supported source language to English.
/wwct en es Converts all the English you chat to Spanish.
/wwct Gamer445 en Converts all of Gamer445's chat to English.
/wwct Gamer445 English es Converts all of Gamer445's chat in English to Spanish.
/wwcl en Sets your localization to English.
/wwcl Gamer445 es Sets Gamer445's localization to Spanish.
/wwcl Resets your localization to the server default.
/wwcl Gamer445 Resets Gamer445's localization to the server default.
/wwcts Toggles your ability to translate signs by right-clicking on them.
/wwcts Gamer445 Toggles Gamer445's ability to translate all signs by right-clicking on them.
/wwctb Toggles your ability to translate books by right-clicking while holding them.
/wwctb Gamer445 Toggles Gamer445's ability to translate all written books by right-clicking while holding them.
/wwcti Toggles your ability to translate items by right-clicking while holding them.
/wwcti Gamer445 Toggles Gamer445's ability to translate all items by right-clicking while holding them.
/wwcte Toggles your ability to translate entities by right-clicking on them.
/wwcte Gamer445 Toggles Gamer445's ability to translate entities by right-clicking on them.
/wwctci Toggles your ability to translate incoming chat.
/wwctci Gamer445 Toggles Gamer445's ability to translate incoming chat.
/wwctco Toggles your ability to translate outgoing chat.
/wwctco Gamer445 Toggles Gamer445's ability to translate outgoing chat.
/wwctrl Clears your existing rate limit.
/wwctrl 5 Sets your own rate limit to 5 seconds per translation.
/wwctrl Gamer445 Clears Gamer445's existing rate limit.
/wwctrl Gamer445 5 Sets Gamer445's rate limit to 5 seconds per translation.
/wwcs Gets your stats.
/wwcs Gamer445 Gets Gamer445's stats.
/wwcd cache Gets contents of the translation cache.
/wwcd cache clear Clears translation cache.
/wwcd checkdb Checks if your SQL database is using an inefficient, older structure. (Automatic conversion is no longer supported.)
/wwcd save Force saves your translators/player records to the current database.
/wwcd debugenv enable Enables the debug environment. (Generally never use this)
/wwcd debugenv disable Disables the debug environment. (Generally never use this)
/wwcd reset Resets ALL data in WWC. (There is almost never a point to running this...)
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