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Commands & Permissions
Dominic Feliton edited this page Dec 26, 2024
33 revisions
[required argument] (optional argument)
Command | Permissions | Aliases | Description |
/wwc | worldwidechat.wwc | worldwidechat | Prints current WorldwideChat version. |
/wwcr | worldwidechat.wwcr | wwcreload, translatereload | Reloads WorldwideChat. |
/wwcc | worldwidechat.wwcc | wwcconfiguration, translateconfiguration | Opens up the Configuration GUI. |
/wwcg (language-in) (language-out) | worldwidechat.wwcg | wwcglobal, gtranslate | Enables chat translation to another language globally. |
/wwct (playerName) (language-in) (language-out) | worldwidechat.wwct | wwctranslate, translate | Enables chat translation to a certain language, either for you or a specific player. |
/wwcl (playerName) (language) | worldwidechat.wwcl | wwclocalize, translatelocalize | Sets your localization for this plugin (ignores server default in config.yml) |
/wwcts (playerName) | worldwidechat.wwcts | wwctranslatesign, translatesign | Enables sign translation (includes DecentHolograms) for you or another player. |
/wwctb (playerName) | worldwidechat.wwctb | wwctranslatebook, translatebook | Enables written book translation for you or another player. |
/wwcti (playerName) | worldwidechat.wwcti | wwctranslateitem, translateitem | Enables item translation for you or another player. |
/wwcte (playerName) | worldwidechat.wwcte | wwctranslateentity, translateentity | Enables entity translation (includes Citizens' NPCs) for you or another player. |
/wwctci (playerName) | worldwidechat.wwctci | wwctranslatechatincoming, translatechatincoming | Enables incoming chat translation for you or another player. |
/wwctco (playerName) | worldwidechat.wwctco | wwctranslatechatoutgoing, translatechatoutgoing | Enables outgoing chat translation for you or another player. |
/wwctrl (playerName) (delay) | worldwidechat.wwctrl | wwctranslateratelimit, translateratelimit | Sets a rate limit for the specified user. |
/wwcs (playerName) | worldwidechat.wwcs | wwctranslatestats, translatestats | Fetches translation stats for a certain player. |
/wwcd [cache/checkdb/save/debugenv/reset] (clear/none/none/enable,disable/confirm) | worldwidechat.wwcd | wwcdebug, translatedebug | Debug command with multiple functions, especially allows for cache manipulation without reloading. |
Permission | Description |
worldwidechat.chatupdate | Lets WorldwideChat notify you on login if an update is available. |
worldwidechat.wwct.otherplayers | Lets you use /wwct (playerName) rather than just on yourself. |
worldwidechat.wwcl.otherplayers | Lets you use /wwcl (playerName) rather than just on yourself. |
worldwidechat.wwctb.otherplayers | Lets you use /wwctb (playerName) rather than just on yourself. |
worldwidechat.wwcts.otherplayers | Lets you use /wwcts (playerName) rather than just on yourself. |
worldwidechat.wwcti.otherplayers | Lets you use /wwcti (playerName) rather than just on yourself. |
worldwidechat.wwcte.otherplayers | Lets you use /wwcte (playerName) rather than just on yourself. |
worldwidechat.wwctci.otherplayers | Lets you use /wwctci (playerName) rather than just on yourself. |
worldwidechat.wwctco.otherplayers | Lets you use /wwctco (playerName) rather than just on yourself. |
worldwidechat.ratelimit.### | Sets a ratelimit on a specified user or group with this permission, with the ### being the time, in seconds, between translations. |
worldwidechat.ratelimit.exempt | Exempts a user or group from rate limits, both personally and globally. |
worldwidechat.blacklist.exempt | Exempts a user or group from the blacklist. |
Command | Description |
/wwcc | Opens up the configuration GUI. |
/wwcg | Opens up the global chat GUI. |
/wwcg English | Converts whatever is detected by the API in global chat to English. |
/wwcg es en | Converts detected Spanish in global chat to English. |
/wwct | Opens up your translation GUI. |
/wwct Gamer445 | Opens up the translation GUI of Gamer445. |
/wwct English | Converts any supported source language to English. |
/wwct en es | Converts all the English you chat to Spanish. |
/wwct Gamer445 en | Converts all of Gamer445's chat to English. |
/wwct Gamer445 English es | Converts all of Gamer445's chat in English to Spanish. |
/wwcl en | Sets your localization to English. |
/wwcl Gamer445 es | Sets Gamer445's localization to Spanish. |
/wwcl | Resets your localization to the server default. |
/wwcl Gamer445 | Resets Gamer445's localization to the server default. |
/wwcts | Toggles your ability to translate signs by right-clicking on them. |
/wwcts Gamer445 | Toggles Gamer445's ability to translate all signs by right-clicking on them. |
/wwctb | Toggles your ability to translate books by right-clicking while holding them. |
/wwctb Gamer445 | Toggles Gamer445's ability to translate all written books by right-clicking while holding them. |
/wwcti | Toggles your ability to translate items by right-clicking while holding them. |
/wwcti Gamer445 | Toggles Gamer445's ability to translate all items by right-clicking while holding them. |
/wwcte | Toggles your ability to translate entities by right-clicking on them. |
/wwcte Gamer445 | Toggles Gamer445's ability to translate entities by right-clicking on them. |
/wwctci | Toggles your ability to translate incoming chat. |
/wwctci Gamer445 | Toggles Gamer445's ability to translate incoming chat. |
/wwctco | Toggles your ability to translate outgoing chat. |
/wwctco Gamer445 | Toggles Gamer445's ability to translate outgoing chat. |
/wwctrl | Clears your existing rate limit. |
/wwctrl 5 | Sets your own rate limit to 5 seconds per translation. |
/wwctrl Gamer445 | Clears Gamer445's existing rate limit. |
/wwctrl Gamer445 5 | Sets Gamer445's rate limit to 5 seconds per translation. |
/wwcs | Gets your stats. |
/wwcs Gamer445 | Gets Gamer445's stats. |
/wwcd cache | Gets contents of the translation cache. |
/wwcd cache clear | Clears translation cache. |
/wwcd checkdb | Checks if your SQL database is using an inefficient, older structure. (Automatic conversion is no longer supported.) |
/wwcd save | Force saves your translators/player records to the current database. |
/wwcd debugenv enable | Enables the debug environment. (Generally never use this) |
/wwcd debugenv disable | Disables the debug environment. (Generally never use this) |
/wwcd reset | Resets ALL data in WWC. (There is almost never a point to running this...) |
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