A VHDL implementation of an Amiga-like sound card for the BBC Micro series using the Hoglet 1MHz bus FPGA hardware.
Documentation for programming the hardware can be found at:
The binaries folder contains pre-built .bit and .mcs files for programming the board and a .ssd containing a pre-built modplayer demo. The sources for the modplayer are included in this repository.
NOTE: running with an original firmware DataCentre connected will likely result in corruption of the DC's memory. Updates for the DC can be found here
Known omissions and problems:
- master volume doesn't work
- no filtering
- no inter-channel modulation
- sample rate is close to but not identical to Amiga PAL rate due to lack of granularity of Xilinx PLL
- JIM usage clashes with devices that do not adhere to the new JIM spec
All files except where otherwise state are licenced under the GPL v3 note: the files in vhdl/vhdl_lib/T6502 are contain their own licence (BSD three clause) (c) 2019 Dominic Beesley / Dossytronics