Stages of script:
- Install Protego serverless Plugin
- download the protego-config.json which contains relevnat protego tokens (put that protego-config.json next to your serverless file)
- sls deploy (to deploy function with protego FSP)
- get endpoint from aws
- start sending requests to create the whitelist
Or, use the following options:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE your aws profile.
-r REGION, --region REGION your aws region (default: us-east-1)
-s STAGE, --stage STAGE api gateway stage, from serverless.yml (default: dev)
-e ENDPOINT, --endpoint ENDPOINT function's endpoint. Automatic if --profile (-p) used
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS number of parallel threads (defualt: 32)
-l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT how many requests the send (default: 1000)
-i INPUT, --input INPUT payload to create whitelist. Default is:
{"mode": "whitelist", "payloads": {"host": "", "process": ["echo", "/tmp/file.txt"], "file": "/tmp/file.txt"}}
-a ATTACK, --attack ATTACK send attack payload
-d, --demo runs demo attack:
{'mode': 'attack', 'payloads': {'code': 'import boto3\ns=boto3.client("s3")\nr=s.create_bucket(Bucket=free_bucket)\nprint(r)', 'host': '', 'cmd': ["curl", ""], 'file': '/tmp/target'}}
-y, --deploy-attacker deploy attacker chronjob
can be any or a combination of:
- host
- file
- [cmd, arg] (process)
- code (api)