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These files demonstrate an idea about extending foldr to allow the user to specify how the recursion is encoded.


The goal is to make foldl' (and related functions like foldM) fuse well with other list functions. This would make fold/build fusion more powerful by eliminating many more intemediate lists, because it's quite common that the final consumer of a list is an application of foldl'.


Currently foldl' is not a good consumer. To turn it a good consumer, we'd need to define it in terms of foldr. The problem is that such an encoding doesn't result in efficient code, at least under the current GHC optimizer.

The standard way to define foldl' in terms of foldr is:

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldl' f v xs = foldr g id xs v
    g x next acc = next $! f x acc

This definition works, but it doesn't result in efficient code. GHC generates something essentially like:

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldl' f v xs = let
    go [] = id
    go (x:xs) = (go xs $!) . f x
  in go xs acc

The problem here is that go is defined as a recursive function that creates a chain of closures, which then are used only once. Note that this allocates memory, whereas the standard definition of foldl' doesn't need any allocation (apart from what f allocates).


The idea is that instead of defining list operations in terms of foldr and build, use a slight generalization of them, namely foldrW and buildW. The definition of foldrW looks like:

-- | A mapping between @a@ and @b@.
data Wrap a b = Wrap (a -> b) (b -> a)

  :: (forall e. Wrap (f e) (e -> b -> b))
  -> (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldrW (Wrap wrap unwrap) f z0 list0 = wrap go list0 z0
    go = unwrap $ \list z' -> case list of
      [] -> z'
      x:xs -> f x $ wrap go xs z'

foldrW differs from foldr in that it takes one extra argument. That argument defines a mapping between a function type e -> b -> b and a user-specified type f e. foldrW recursively defines a value of type f [a], effectively letting the user choose the representation of the loop.

Note that this is an example of worker-wrapper transformation.

The corresponding build function is defined thus:

newtype Simple b e = Simple { runSimple :: e -> b -> b }

  :: (forall f r.
        (forall e. Wrap (f e) (e -> r -> r))
      -> (a -> r -> r)
      -> r)
  -> [a]
buildW f = f (Wrap runSimple Simple) (:) []

Using foldrW, foldl' can be defined as:

newtype Simple b e = Simple { runSimple :: e -> b -> b }

foldl' f initial xs = foldrW (Wrap wrap unwrap) g id xs initial
    wrap (Simple s) e k a = k $ s e a
    unwrap u = Simple $ \e -> u e id
    g x next acc = next $! f acc x

The effect of the worker-wrapper split here is to transform a continuation-passing recursion into a direct-style loop.


I believe foldrW is expressive enough that it can be used to efficiently define other types of list consumers, e.g. mapM_ for the IO monad. I haven't implemented it yet, though.

The idea of having a versatile fold primitive is generally useful, not just in conjuction with list fusion. foldrW (or its variant based on foldMap) would be useful in context of other container types, e.g. maps, vectors and byte strings.

Is eta-expansion enough?

It is known that the above encoding of foldl' in terms of foldr can be made allocation-free by eta-expanding the local function go. So one could argue that, if GHC can automatically eta-expand it, unmodified fold/build fusion will be able to fuse foldl' nicely, so there is no need for foldrW/buildW.

My answer to this question is that eta-expansion alone is not enough for two reasons:

  • If the initial list producer is a function that traverses a tree, the resulting fused loop will be in continuation passing style, which means a new closure is allocated for each non-leaf node of the input tree. More specifically, consider the following function that flattens a tree into a list:

      data Tree = Tip {-# UNPACK #-} !Int | Bin Tree Tree
      toList :: Tree -> [Int]
      toList tree = build (toListFB tree)
      {-# INLINE toList #-}
      toListFB :: Tree -> (Int -> r -> r) -> r -> r
      toListFB root cons nil = go root nil
          go (Tip x) rest = cons x rest
          go (Bin x y) rest = go x (go y rest)

    Let's say we want to eliminate the intermediate list in the expression (sum (toList t)). Currently sum is not a good consumer, but if it were, after fusion we'd get something like:

      sumList :: Tree -> Int
      sumList root = go0 root id 0
      go0 :: Tree -> (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
      go0 (Tip x) k = (k $!) .  (x+)
      go0 (Bin x y) k = go0 x (go0 y k)

    Now, merely eta-expanding go0 is not enough to get efficient code, because the function will still build a partial application every time it sees a Bin constructor. For this recursion to work in an allocation-free way, it must be rather like:

      go1 :: Tree -> Int -> Int
      go1 (Tip x) n = x + n
      go1 (Bin x y) n = go1 y (go1 x n)

    And this is what we get if we define foldl' and toList in terms of foldrW and buildW.

  • GHC would eta-expand a function only when it knows for sure that eta-expansion will not duplicate work. For foldl' this is not a problem, but there are other list consumers for which this analysis is not locally possible. For example, consider mconcat, specialized for bytestring builder:

      mconcat :: [Builder] -> Builder
      mconcat . map fromInt :: [Int] -> Builder

    where fromInt is a functin that serializes a value of Int, and Builder is a newtype of some function type. Here, it's often possible to get a big performance boost by allowing fromInt to be executed every time the resulting the builder is called (as a function), rather than just once. The user may or may not want this. In cases like this, it would be difficult for ghc to generate code the user expects, because (1) it's not possible to tell the resulting function is run only once by analyzing the code locally, and (2) the user may be willing to actually repeat the call to fromInt. foldrW and buildW would give more control to the user in such cases.

Will the functions currently fusible continue to fuse well?

I believe basically all of the current good consumer or producer will continue to fuse well under the new foldrW/buildW framework, because foldr can be defined in terms of foldrW (by passing a trivial wrapper) and build can be defined in terms of buildW (by ignoring the given wrapper). However I'll need to actually replace the whole set of list functions using foldrW/buildW to see if this is true.

As a preliminary evidence, here is a criterion benchmark that compares foldrW/buildW against fold/build in a number of example scenarios:

How to make a list produer work with foldrW/buildW fusion

If you have a list produer defined using build, it needs to be rewritten using buildW in order to take advantage of the proposed fusion scheme. Here I describe how to do such a rewrite.

A good produer in the fold/build framework shold look like this:

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
producer :: ... -> [ELEM]
producer ... = build (producerFB ...)

producerFB :: forall r. ... -> (ELEM -> r -> r) -> r -> r
producerFB ... = go ...
    go :: ... -> r
    go ... = ... -- usually recursive

I use a version of enumFromTo (specialized for Ints) as an example.

eft :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
eft from to = build (eftFB from to)

eftFB :: forall r. Int -> Int -> (Int -> r -> r) -> r -> r
eftFB from to cons nil = go from
    go :: Int -> r
    go !i = if i <= to
      then cons i (go (i + 1))
      else nil

First, the type of go needs to be changed to

go :: A -> r -> r

for some type A, where the second argument (of type r) represents the rest of the list. This change involves the following two steps:

  • explicitly pass around a 'rest' parameter, if it's not being done already.
  • combine all the other arguments into one, using a tuple or () if needed.

In the eft example it looks like this:

eftFB :: forall r. Int -> Int -> (Int -> r -> r) -> r -> r
eftFB from to cons nil = go from nil
    go :: Int -> r -> r
    go !i rest = if i <= to
      then cons i (go (i + 1) rest)
      else rest

Now it's straightforward to rewrite the producer function using buildW:

  • Replace build with buildW
  • The FB function takes an extra argument, (Wrap wrap unwrap).
  • Change the type of go from (A -> r -> r) to (f A).
  • Replace each ocurrence of go with wrap go.
  • Replace the definition of go, (go ... = ...) with (go = wrap $ \... -> ...).

The eft example now looks like this:

eft :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
eft from to = buildW (eftFB from to)

  :: forall r f
  .  Int -> Int -> Wrap f r -> (Int -> r -> r) -> r -> r
eftFB from to (Wrap wrap unwrap) cons nil = wrap go from nil
    go :: f Int
    go = unwrap $ \ !i rest -> if i <= to
      then cons i (wrap go (i + 1) rest)
      else rest


There seem to be many ways to extend fold/build fusion to get a similar expressivity to foldrW/buildW. One of them is particularly attractive because it can be described with just those building blocks that many Haskell programmers are familiar with. It uses the following pair of functions in place of foldr and build.

mapA :: (ArrowApply a) => a b () -> [b] -> a () ()
buildA :: (forall a. (ArrowApply a) => a b () -> a () ()) -> [b]

However it seems like the GHC optimizer and/or the Arrow class need to be tweaked in order for this framework to work efficiently.


extension to fold/build fusion






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