The goal of this demo is to run a BigQuery SQL and extract information from Google Earth Engine
- Ensure your GCP user has access to Earth Engine. You can signup for Earth Engine at :- Earth Engine Signup
- Ensure the GCP user is allowed to create service accounts and assign roles
1) In Cloud Shell or other environment where you have the gcloud SDK installed, execute the following commands:
gcloud components update
cd $HOME
git clone
cd ~/earth-engine-on-bigquery
chmod +x *.sh
2) Edit - In your editor of choice update the variables in to reflect your desired gcp project.
3) Next execute the command below
If the shell script has executed successfully, you should now have a new Service Account created, as shown in the image below
4) A Service Account(SA) in format [email protected] was created in previous step, you need to signup this SA for Earth Engine at EE SA signup. Check out the last line of the screenshot above it will list out SA name. On successful signup, you screen should look like the one below.
5) Next execute the command below
If the shell script has executed successfully,have a dataset gee and table land_coords under your project in BigQuery along with a functions get_poly_ndvi_month and get_poly_temp_month.
You will also see a sample query output on the Cloud shell, as shown below
6) Execute the command below in Cloudshell
bq query --use_legacy_sql=false 'SELECT name,gee.get_poly_ndvi_month(aoi,2020,7) as ndvi_jul, gee.get_poly_temp_month(aoi,2020,7) as temp_jul FROM `gee.land_coords` LIMIT 10'
You will see the NDVI and temperature (in Celsius) output on the Cloud shell for different polygons, as shown below
Check out the example folder for more complex queries which show EE data being pulled into BQ