This is a ros2 humble developement ade image.
It is based on an augmented osrf/ros:humble-desktop-full
docker image (see with:
- Upgrading the ros package to the last sync (the osrf docker image update is not nescessarly released at the same time as the sync)
- Installing classical build, test and development packages (and plotjuggler!)
- Updating rosdep so it is immediatly usable (however, as it is initialized as root by at the Docker image creation, sudo would have to be used, for instance:
rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src -y -r --rosdistro humble
) - Installing Gazebo Ignition (Fortress)
- Installing Cyclone DDS along with iproute2 (for enabling multicast on lo)
The includes the sourcing of the ros2 binary, the variables to restrict DDS communication to local only and the selection of Cyclone as the DDS. Plus some variable for console formating:
# ROS2 bin sourcing
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
# DDS configuration (more on that below)
export ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY=1 # Isolate DDS com (avoid same LAN crosstalk)
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp # Force usage of Cyclone instead of Fast DDS
## Bonus stuff
# Ros log console formatting
export RCUTILS_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT='[{severity}] [{time}] [{name}]: {message}'
sudo ip link set lo multicast on
was added to the entrypoint to for enabling multicast on lo)
--ulimit rtprio=100:100
--ulimit memlock=-1:-1
--shm-size 4G
export ADE_NAME="ros2-humble-dev"
export ADE_IMAGES="
needed for enabling multicast on lo
use image built from this repo Dockerfile and stored on github (alternatively, you can build it locally, see below)
Optional tools volume
The base image is build with this repo Dockerfile. It was built locally with
$ docker build -t .
And was then uploaded to the github registry with
$ echo $CR_PAT | docker login -u USERNAME --password-stdin
$ docker push
Where CR_PAT
is your github token
No github action is set yet to do it directely on github.