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Yuudee AAC | 小雨滴

Yuudee, which means little rain drop in Chinese, is an augmentative and alternative communication tool for children who have difficulty in speech and can also be used as a teaching tool for parents and teachers to teach children cognitive skills. Children can press an icon and the App will “speak” out a short sentence or phrase that expresses a need, request, emotion, or answer. A built-in repository of 400 icons is available for users as a start. Parents and teachers can easily add to these resources and customize lessons catering to the specific needs of each child, with flexible and user-friendly customization supported by Yuudee.

Yuudee should be used together with educational methods such as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Verbal Behavior (VB). Principles of Verbal behavior divides verbal operants into "demand", "imitation", "naming" and "interactive language", etc. Based on researches, "demand" is the most basic among all the verbal operants, and is the most common source to find motives. For instance, the motivations behind demands like "I want to eat", "I want to drink" are basic needs for food and water, and such demands usually lead to satisfaction, which is a good way to do training and stimulate verbal language. Almost half of the materials provided by Yuudee are for "demand".

小雨滴是帮助患有自闭症以及其他沟通障碍的儿童学习语言、沟通、社交、及认知的辅助教学工具,也是帮助具有一定认知能力但尚不能正常发声的儿童表达需求的辅助沟通工具,类似于“会说话的 PECS”。

小雨滴拥有一个非常丰富的原创素材库,包括了 400多个配有语音的图片及部分动画,涵盖认知(动物、水果、交通工具等)、需求(吃、喝、身体状况等)、情感表达等 30多个分类,还包括10余个社交故事(上课如何做、在饭店如何做等),从多方面来培养孩子的交流能力、行为的过程逻辑和因果关系。

小雨滴配合应用行为分析( ABA)和语言行为(VB)等教育方法的使用。语言行为原理把语言操作分成了要求、仿说、命名、互动式语言等类型。根据研究,“要求”在各种语言操作中最基础,也最方便从日常生活中找到其操作动机。比如“我想吃”、“我想喝”这些要求,可以从自然生理需求和食物的实际提示两方面构建动机,这类语言操作的结果带来动机的直接满足,对于训练和激发主动性语言具有更好的效果。小雨滴中约有一半的素材可用于“要求”训练。

每个孩子都与众不同。为此,小雨滴设有儿童和培训者两套界面。在培训者界面下,培训者(通常是家长或老师)可以根据孩子的精细动作和认知水平,选择屏幕布局为 1×1,2×2 ,和3 x3三种;根据孩子的不同学习阶段,从素材库中提取不同的卡片和分类;根据孩子特有的需求,在屏幕上显示孩子最需要学习或沟通的语句;如素材库中的材料不够,培训者可以很方便地自定义新素材;小雨滴还可根据不同的儿童或者不同的场景设置并保存相应的课件,培训者可以在不同课件之间快速切换,因此为培养多个学生的特教老师提供很大方便。

小雨滴由北京大学、北京生命科学研究所、应用汇、清华大学美术学院、 Inway Design及星星雨自闭症教育研究所等多家研究,研发和培训机构联合开发。