Setz is a command line utility used to run set operations on files using python syntax
pip install setz
setz "query" [a.txt b.txt ..]
Set Membership. Test if an element belongs to a set.
"'test' in a"
Set Equality. Test if two sets contain the same elements.
"a == b"
Set Cardinality. Return the number of elements in the set.
Subset Test. Test if a given set is a subset of another set.
"a < b"
Set Union. Find union of two sets.
"a | b"
Set Intersection. Find intersection of two sets.
"a & b"
Set Complement. Given two sets A and B, find all elements in A that are not in B.
"a - b"
Set Symmetric Difference. Find symmetric difference of two sets.
"a ^ b"
Power Set. Generate all subsets of a set.
Set Cartesian Product. Find A x B.
"product(a, b, ..)"
Disjoint Set Test. Test if two sets are disjoint.
"is_disjoint(a, b, ..)"
Empty Set Test. Test if a given set is empty.
Minimum. Find the smallest element of a set.
Maximum. Find the largest element of a set.
> setz '"foo" in a' <(echo foo)
> setz 'len(a)' <(echo for bar garply)
> setz 'a < b' <(echo foo bar baz) <(echo foo bar)
> setz 'max(a)' <(echo 9001 10)
> setz 'is_disjoint(a, b, c)' <(echo foo) <(echo bar) <(echo baz garply)
> setz 'a | b' <(echo foo) <(echo baz garply)
> setz 'product(a, b)' <(echo foo bar) <(echo baz garply)
foo, garply
foo, baz
bar, garply
bar, baz
> setz 'power_set(a)' <(echo foo bar garply)
garply, foo
garply, bar
foo, bar
garply, foo, bar