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Vue/Nuxt library that simplifies date time formatting and parsing using Luxon


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vue-lux is a Vue 3 library that simplifies DateTime formatting and parsing using the powerful Luxon library. Inspired by vue-luxon.


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import { createApp } from 'vue'
import VueLuxon from 'vue-lux'
import App from './App.vue'

const app = createApp(App)
app.use(VueLux, {
  input: {
    zone: 'utc',
    format: 'iso'
  output: 'short'


export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['vue-lux/nuxt'],
  lux: {
    input: {
      zone: 'utc',
      format: 'iso'
    output: 'short'

By default, vue-lux expect the given datetime string to be time zone utc and format iso . The output will be based on the client's locale.

Learn more about settings


You can use the $lux or $lf method everywhere in your vue app to formate a date:

// October 5, 2020

You can change the output format:

this.$lux('2020-10-05T14:48:00.000Z', 'dd-MM-yyyy')
// 05-10-2020

this.$lux('2020-10-05 22:36', 'relative')
// 22 days ago

And other settings:

this.$lux('2020-10-05 22:36', 'full', { format: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm', zone: 'Asia/Tokyo' })
// October 5, 2020, 3:36 PM GMT+2

These formats will be in the clients browser language, unless you set a [specific language].


You can use the $lp method to parse a date and retrive a Luxon DateTime object:

// DateTime { 2020-10-05T14:48:00.000Z }

this.$lp('2020-10-05 22:36', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm')
// DateTime { 2020-10-05T22:36:00.000Z }


You can define the default input and output settings in the plugin options.

  input: {
    zone: 'utc',
    format: 'iso',
  output: {
    locale: 'en',
    format: 'short',
  templates: {
    userDate: {
      zone: 'client',
      format: 'dd MM yyyy',
    serverAMS: {
      zone: 'Europe/Amsterdam',
      format: 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss',
    client: {
      zone: 'local',
      format: 'short',


Templates are predefined formats that can be used to quickly format and parse.

// Will use the template userDate to format the date
this.$lux('2020-10-05T14:48:00.000Z', 'userDate')
// 05 10 2020

// Will use serverAMS template to parse the date
this.$lp('2020-10-05 22:36', 'serverAMS')
// DateTime { 2020-10-05T22:36:00.000Z }

// Will use serverAMS template to parse and userDate template to format the date
this.$lux('2020-10-05 22:36', 'userDate', 'serverAMS')
// 05 10 2020

By default there are these templates available:

format example (with locale en_US)
short 10/14/1983, 1:30 PM
shorts 10/14/1983, 1:30:23 PM
med Oct 14, 1983, 1:30 PM
meds Oct 14, 1983, 9:30:33 AM
full October 14, 1983, 9:30 AM EDT
fulls October 14, 1983, 9:30:33 AM EDT
huge Friday, October 14, 1983, 9:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time
huges Friday, October 14, 1983, 9:30:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time
time 9:30 AM
times 09:30:23 AM
time24 09:30
time24s 09:30:23
time24longoffset 09:30:23 Eastern Daylight Time
date_full October 14, 1983
date_huge Tuesday, October 14, 1983
date_med Oct 14, 1983
date_medd Fri, Oct 14, 1983
date_short 10/14/1983


The input can be one of the following types:

  • string: A string representation of a date or time.
  • number: A numeric representation of a date or time, such as a timestamp.
  • Date: A JavaScript Date object.
  • DateTime: A DateTime object from the Luxon library.

Along with the input, you can also specify the input format and zone.

import type { Zone } from 'luxon'

interface InputOptions {
  format: string
  zone?: string | Zone

Available formats are:

format description example
sql SQL dates, times, and datetimes 2017-05-15 09:24:15
iso ISO 8601 date time string 2018-01-06T13:07:04.054
rfc2822 RFC 2822 Tue, 01 Nov 2016 13:23:12 +0630
http HTTP header specs (RFC 850 and 1123) Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT
seconds Unix timestamp 1542674993
millis Unix timestamp milliseconds 1542674993410
Date JavaScript Date object new Date('2020-10-05T14:48:00.000Z')
DateTime Luxon DateTime object DateTime.fromISO('2020-10-05T14:48:00.000Z')
tokens see: Tokens yyyy-MM-dd
templateName see: Templates


import type { DateTimeFormatOptions, ToISOTimeOptions, ToRelativeOptions, ToSQLOptions, Zone } from 'luxon'

interface OutputOptions {
  locale?: string
  format?: string | DateTimeFormatOptions | Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions
  relative?: ToRelativeOptions
  sql?: ToSQLOptions
  iso?: ToISOTimeOptions
  zone?: string | Zone
  • format: The format to use for formatting.

    • Set of Tokens: You can use a set of tokens to define the output format. Tokens represent different parts of the date and time, such as year, month, day, hour, minute, etc. See Tokens for possible values.
    • Template Name: You can specify the name of a predefined template. Templates are predefined formats that can be used to quickly format dates and times. See Templates for possible values.
    • DateTimeFormatOptions: Options for the DateTime format. See DateTimeFormatOptions for possible values.
  • locale: The locale to use for formatting. If not set, the client's locale will be used.

  • relative: Options for the relative format. See Relative for possible values.

  • sql: Options for the SQL format. See SQL for possible values.

  • iso: Options for the ISO format. See ISO for possible values.


eg: UTC, America/New_York, Asia/Tokyo, ...

For the systems local zone you use local.

There is a list on wikipedia



en: English (primary language). hi: Hindi (primary language). de-AT: German as used in Austria (primary language with country code). zh-Hans-CN: Chinese written in simplified

The client's locale will be used if not set.


Tokens are useful for formatting and parsing.

You can use the following tokens:

Standalone token Format token Description Example
S millisecond, no padding 54
SSS millisecond, padded to 3 054
u fractional seconds, functionally identical to SSS 054
s second, no padding 4
ss second, padded to 2 padding 04
m minute, no padding 7
mm minute, padded to 2 07
h hour in 12-hour time, no padding 1
hh hour in 12-hour time, padded to 2 01
H hour in 24-hour time, no padding 9
HH hour in 24-hour time, padded to 2 13
Z narrow offset +5
ZZ short offset +05:00
ZZZ techie offset +0500
ZZZZ abbreviated named offset EST
ZZZZZ unabbreviated named offset Eastern Standard Time
z IANA zone America/New_York
a meridiem AM
d day of the month, no padding 6
dd day of the month, padded to 2 06
c E day of the week, as number from 1-7 (Monday is 1, Sunday is 7) 3
ccc EEE day of the week, as an abbreviate localized string Wed
cccc EEEE day of the week, as an unabbreviated localized string Wednesday
ccccc EEEEE day of the week, as a single localized letter W
L M month as an unpadded number 8
LL MM month as an padded number 08
LLL MMM month as an abbreviated localized string Aug
LLLL MMMM month as an unabbreviated localized string August
LLLLL MMMMM month as a single localized letter A
y year, unpadded 2014
yy two-digit year 14
yyyy four- to six- digit year, pads to 4 2014
G abbreviated localized era AD
GG unabbreviated localized era Anno Domini
GGGGG one-letter localized era A
kk ISO week year, unpadded 17
kkkk ISO week year, padded to 4 2014
W ISO week number, unpadded 32
WW ISO week number, padded to 2 32
o ordinal (day of year), unpadded 218
ooo ordinal (day of year), padded to 3 218
D localized numeric date 9/4/2017
DD localized date with abbreviated month Aug 6, 2014
DDD localized date with full month August 6, 2014
DDDD localized date with full month and weekday Wednesday, August 6, 2014
t localized time 9:07 AM
tt localized time with seconds 1:07:04 PM
ttt localized time with seconds and abbreviated offset 1:07:04 PM EDT
tttt localized time with seconds and full offset 1:07:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time
T localized 24-hour time 13:07
TT localized 24-hour time with seconds 13:07:04
TTT localized 24-hour time with seconds and abbreviated offset 13:07:04 EDT
TTTT localized 24-hour time with seconds and full offset 13:07:04 Eastern Daylight Time
f short localized date and time 8/6/2014, 1:07 PM
ff less short localized date and time Aug 6, 2014, 1:07 PM
fff verbose localized date and time August 6, 2014, 1:07 PM EDT
ffff extra verbose localized date and time Wednesday, August 6, 2014, 1:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time
F short localized date and time with seconds 8/6/2014, 1:07:04 PM
FF less short localized date and time with seconds Aug 6, 2014, 1:07:04 PM
FFF verbose localized date and time with seconds August 6, 2014, 1:07:04 PM EDT
FFFF extra verbose localized date and time with seconds Wednesday, August 6, 2014, 1:07:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time
q quarter, no padding 9
qq quarter, padded to 2 13

Full list of tokens can be found here


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