Script and files to produce a user-facing status page for the AODN's main services (currently proof-of-concept)
- [✓] Can access stausJson from the wide world?
- [✓] Generate regularly
- [✓] Sample page output
- [✓] Javascript modal when page needs refreshing
- [✓] Display age of information
- [✓] Upcoming outages information
- [ ] Harvest current service data from Nagios
- [ ] Harvest planned maintenance info from Nagios
- [ ] Choose which services to display (and descriptions)
- [ ] Branding / legal words
- [ ] Where to host? (Probably Amazon)
- [ ] Favicon represents status (green icon when all good, yellow or red when some services are having issues)
- [ ] Combine output fron n Nagios instances
- [ ] How to handle discrepancies between those instances?