A template project for building class libraries with Visual Studio 2015, C# 6, NUnit 2, AutoFixtures/AutoMoq, and NuGet packaging using the Appveyor build platform.
To start a new NuGet library project, download this project as a zip file, then run the setup.ps1
NUnit 2AutoFixturesVisual Studio 2015/C# 6NuGet packagingAutoMoqCode ContractsSetup WizardDocumentation/Symbols Packaging
- 0.3.0 Documentation/Symbols packaging.
- 0.2.21 Fixed AppVeyor/NUnit error.
- 0.2.20 Added setup script.
- 0.2.0 - 0.2.19 AppVeyor refactor.
- 0.1.0 Initial release tag.