I create this repository to keep track of all projects and coding activities during my python learning journey
- FizzBuzz
- Number guessing game
- Leap Year Calculation
- Guessing game
- Higher or Lower guessing game
- Coffee Maker
- Coffee Maker improve with OOP
- Quiz Brain Game
- Search_4_vowels_webAPP
- Hirst Painting version using python
- Spirograph using python
- Turtle race game
- Classic Snake game
- Python simple API project
- Strong Password Generator
- The Pong Game
- Turtle Street Crossing Game
- Mail Merger Project
- US State Guessing Game
- Nato Alphabet Phonetic
- Distance converter (Miles to KM)
- Pomodoro Timer with python tkinter module
- Password Manager
- Language Learning Flash Cards
- Weekly Motivation Email
- Email birthday Wisher
- Space Station Over Your House Email notification
- Trivia Quiz Brain
- Habit Tracker App
- Food Tracker API App
- Stock Alert app
- Weather Condition Notification
- Basic Calculator
- Black Jack Game
- Blind Auction
- Caesar Cipher
- Simple Calculator
- Web Scraping for the 100 best movies of all time
- Linkedin Job Application bot
- Amazon Price Alert
- Flight Deal Notification
- Python Music Time Machine
- Movies Rating web Application
- Best Cafe API
- Restful Blog Sample Project
- Flask Authentication
- Morse Code Decoder
- Movie Rental Application using Django