Seminar examples, supporting material, and references.
by Dustin Laurence
N.B. The reference names are inconsistent because I needed some to be more useful than the author name during the presentation.
[Abrahams2001] Abrahams, David, “Exception-Safety In Generic Components”, 2001.
[BIND] “Changes In GCC Code Optimization Can Cause A Crash In BIND”
{Boehm] Boehm, Hans, "A Garbage Collector for C and C++".
[C99TC3] C99 Standard (TC3)
[CERT] Seacord, Robert C., “The CERT C Coding Standard”, 2nd ed.
[CERTWiki] The wiki where the CERT guidelines are developed
[EffC++] Meyers, Scott, “Effective C++”, 3rd ed., 2005.
[ExceptC++] Sutter, Herb, “Exceptional C++”, 2000.
[Imperfect] Wilson, Matthew, “Imperfect C++”, 2004.
[Lattner] Lattner, Chris, “What Every C Programmer Should Know About Undefined Behavior”
[MoreEffC++] Meyers, Scott, “More Effective C++”, 1996.
[NasalDemons] Jargon File, “Nasal Demons” (referring to a famous post on comp.std.c)
[Seacord2013] Seacord, Robert C., “Secure Coding In C and C++”, 2nd Ed.
[Stroustrup1999] Stroustrup, Bjarne, “An Overview Of The C++ Programming Language”, 1999.
[StrouSutter] Stroustrup and Sutter Github project, [“C++ Core Guidelines”] (
[Summit] Summit, Steve, [post on a comp.lang.c thread on undefined behavior.] (
[SutterAlex2005] Sutter and Alexandrescu, “C++ Coding Standards”, 2005.
[UBGuide] Regehr, John, [“A Guide to Undefined Behavior in C and C++, Part 1”] (