Here in this project with my current knowledge
- &
- Bloc examples
- State management using Cubit
- Clean archi : Presentation / Domain / Data :
- UI <-- BlocBuilder --> Cubit <-- function/state --> UseCase <-- Entity --> Repository <-- Model --> API
- Unit tests with code coverage with lcov
- Typography, color palettes and components of the app displayed
- [Coming soon] Golden test and integration test
- [Coming soon] Navigation for mobile and web with Beamer
- [Coming soon] Internalisation with Firebase, dealing with online and offline
- [Coming soon] Dev / Staging / Prod versions
- [Coming soon] CICD fastlane locally and with Github Actions, upload to Google Play / Apple Store
- [Coming soon] OpenAPI and DTO automatically generated with back / Back for Front & access to a swagger (or postman/insomnia if not possible)
- [Coming soon] Design system with dark mode and custom text / extensions, commun base widgets (AppText, AppGap, AppPadding)
Bonuses :
- HTTP Rest request with Retrofit & Dio
- [Coming soon] Configuration with Firebase Remote Config
- [Coming soon] Handling crash and crashlytics with Firebase
- [Coming soon] Handling analytics / screen times with Firebase
- [Coming soon] Handling internalisation with Google Sheet
- [Coming soon] Hosting flutter web
- [Coming soon] Authentication forms
- [Coming soon] Handling fvm, flutter version management
- [Coming soon] Splash screen to initialize the app (remote config)
Things to consider implementing from beginning :
- [Dev and prod] Version management control (show or force app update), linked with Firebase remote config or flutter_upgrade_version
- Feature flags can also be added, that can me modified remotly with Firebase remote config
- [Dev and prod] Pop up / modal when a new version has been installed to explained what new
Other cool stuff :
- [Dev only] HTTP request observer (
- [Dev only] Design pattern observer
- [Dev and prod] In app review and to right moment to ask review (
- [Dev and/or prod] Better UI Feedback provider linked to github / gitlab ( with automatically mail sended with content of the message in order to respond
- [Dev and prod] Show version of the app (
Other stuff :
- [Dev and prod] When to have notification consent ? After registration ? Login ? Launching the app ?
- [Dev and prod] Cookie consent at the start or splash
- [Dev and prod] Privacy policy and general conditions of use
- Flutter
- Dart
- Bloc
- Better Comments
- Gitlens
- Material Icon Theme
- Error Lens
- Image preview
fvm use 3.13.4
Check lastest version inside .fvm/fvm_config.json
Inside .zshrc / your terminal
export PATH="$PATH:/Users/dleurs/fvm/versions/3.10.2/bin"
fvm flutter --version
Flutter 3.10.2 • channel stable •
Framework • revision 9cd3d0d9ff (2 days ago) • 2023-05-23 20:57:28 -0700
Engine • revision 90fa3ae28f
Tools • Dart 3.0.2 • DevTools 2.23.1
For tests
brew install lcov
dart pub global activate remove_from_coverage
export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"
Check Flutter docs, github's here
Check Flutter samples, github's here
Check Material Design 3
Check Figma Material 3
Check Flutter Icons
Example implementing fruityvice Free Api
Create folders fruit
under lib/features
Then go inside this folder and execute :
mkdir domain;
cd domain;
mkdir entities;
mkdir repository_abstract;
mkdir usecases;
mkdir utils;
cd ..;
mkdir data;
cd data;
mkdir data_sources;
mkdir models;
mkdir repository;
mkdir mapper;
cd ..;
mkdir presentation;
cd presentation;
mkdir cubit;
mkdir pages;
mkdir widgets;
cd ..;
If your feature require a service, for example getting device platform (iOS or Android) and version, geolocalisation or local database:
cd domain;
mkdir dervice;
cd ..;
You can start with data layer if the structure of your data will be taken from the api. But ideally you should start with domain, the part that is independ from the data source.
Inside lib/features/fruits/domain/entities
import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
part 'fruit_entity.freezed.dart';
class FruitEntity with _$FruitEntity {
const factory FruitEntity({
required String name,
required String family,
required FruitGenus genus,
}) = _FruitEntity;
Create generated files :
make generate
Inside lib/features/fruit/domain/repository_abstract/fruit_repository.dart
import 'package:dartz/dartz.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/domain/entities/fruit.dart';
abstract class FruitRepository {
Future<Either<Exception, List<FruitEntity>>> getFruits();
Not sure that having Exception type as error a good idea. Maybe creating a one or using DioError
Most of the times, usecases will just call a repository, but sometimes it can contains more intelligence / more code, and will prevent duplication of code inside of differents cubits calling the same usecase.
So you can choose not to use usecase to reduce code / or only when needed (intelligence used in multiple cubits).
Inside lib/features/fruit/domain/usecases/get_fruit_usecase.dart
import 'package:dartz/dartz.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/core/usecase/usecase.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/domain/entities/fruit.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/domain/repository_abstract/fruit_repository.dart';
import 'package:injectable/injectable.dart';
class GetFruitUseCase
extends BaseFutureWithEmptyParamsUseCase<Exception, List<FruitEntity>> {
final FruitRepository _fruitRepository;
Future<Either<Exception, List<FruitEntity>>> call() async {
return await _fruitRepository.getFruits();
Here the usecase and the repo does not have parameters, if so, use BaseFutureUseCase<E, T, P>
First, check the data source on a browser
Then, inside lib/features/fruit/data/models/fruit_model.dart
import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
part 'fruit_model.freezed.dart';
class FruitModel with _$FruitModel {
const factory FruitModel({
String? name,
String? family,
String? genus,
}) = _FruitModel;
factory FruitModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$FruitModelFromJson(json);
Inside models, everything could be null. You should never trust what will be retrive by the server.
make generate
Inside lib/features/fruit/data/data_sources/fruit_api.dart
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/core/constants/api_constants.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/data/models/fruit_model.dart';
import 'package:injectable/injectable.dart';
import 'package:retrofit/retrofit.dart';
part 'fruit_api.g.dart';
baseUrl: ApiConstants.fruitsClient,
abstract class FruitApi {
factory FruitApi(@Named(ApiConstants.publicHttpClient) Dio dio) = _FruitApi;
static FruitApi create(@Named(ApiConstants.publicHttpClient) Dio dio) {
return FruitApi(dio);
Future<List<FruitModel>> getFruits();
Here there is no @Path
, @Header
or @Query
in the request, but they will be in production app. Check retrofit doc.
Retrofit is based on generated code, so you have to execute
make generate
Which execute dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
This requires lib/core/injection/module/network_module.dart
to be setup, where HeaderInterceptor can be defined to automatically add authentication token for example
Inside lib/features/fruit/data/mapper/fruit_mapper.dart
import 'package:flutter_starter/core/constants/app_constants.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/data/models/fruit_model.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/domain/entities/fruit.dart';
extension FruitMapper on FruitModel {
FruitEntity toEntity() => FruitEntity(
name: name ?? AppConstants.emptyString,
family: family ?? AppConstants.emptyString,
genus: FruitGenus.getFruitGenus(genus));
extension FruitListMapper on List<FruitModel>? {
List<FruitEntity> toEntity() =>
this?.map((model) => model.toEntity()).toList() ?? List.empty();
import 'package:dartz/dartz.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/data/data_sources/fruit_api.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/data/mapper/fruit_mapper.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/domain/entities/fruit.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/domain/repository_abstract/fruit_repository.dart';
import 'package:injectable/injectable.dart';
@Injectable(as: FruitRepository)
class FruitRepositoryImpl implements FruitRepository {
final FruitApi _fruitApi;
Future<Either<Exception, List<FruitEntity>>> getFruits() async {
try {
final fruitsModel = await _fruitApi.getFruits();
final fruits = fruitsModel.toEntity();
return Right(fruits);
} on Exception catch (ex) {
return Left(ex);
Inside lib/features/fruit/presentation/cubit/fruit_cubit.dart
import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/domain/usecases/get_fruit_usecase.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/presentation/cubit/fruit_state.dart';
import 'package:injectable/injectable.dart';
import 'dart:developer' as developer;
class FruitCubit extends Cubit<FruitState> {
final GetFruitUseCase getFruitUseCase;
required this.getFruitUseCase,
}) : super(FruitState());
Future<void> getFruits() async {
isLoading: true,
fruits: [],
errorMessage: null,
final eitherFruits = await getFruitUseCase();
return eitherFruits.fold(
(error) {
developer.log('Un error occured : ${error.toString()}');
isLoading: false,
errorMessage: error.toString(),
(value) {
isLoading: false,
fruits: value,
It is not clean to access state with GetIt.instance.get<FruitCubit>().state
. Indeed, in some cases like adding authentication token inside http interceptor, you have to get the info without context. You should then create a Stream / StreamSubcription, and consider HydratedCubit for offline support.
Inside lib/features/fruit/presentation/cubit/fruit_state.dart
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/domain/entities/fruit_entity.dart';
import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
part 'fruit_state.freezed.dart';
class FruitState with _$FruitState {
const factory FruitState({
@Default(false) bool isLoading,
@Default([]) List<FruitEntity> fruits,
String? errorMessage,
}) = _FruitState;
To investigate : we can add an Enum with the FruitStateEnum {loading, error, success} to then use pattern matching inside UI
Be careful of default value in constructor,this.isLoading = false,
make generate
Inside lib/features/fruit/presentation/pages/fruit_page.dart
UI should be very stupid, there is no intelligence inside it, just if (that state) then show this widget.
If you should add a little more intelligence, like modify a date presentation from "2023-06-01" to "Jeudi 1 juin 2023", then you should create a static function inside lib/features/fruit/domain/utils/fruit_utils.dart
(Maybe inside presentation folder ?)
EDIT [2024/03/11] I recommand using BlocSelector and not BlocBuilder
import 'package:dart_extensions/dart_extensions.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/domain/entities/fruit.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/presentation/cubit/fruit_cubit.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/presentation/cubit/fruit_state.dart';
import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';
class FruitPage extends StatelessWidget {
const FruitPage({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: SafeArea(
child: BlocProvider<FruitCubit>(
create: (context) => GetIt.instance.get<FruitCubit>()..getFruits(),
child: BlocBuilder<FruitCubit, FruitState>(
builder: (context, state) {
if (state.isLoading) {
return const CircularProgressIndicator();
} else if (state.errorMessage.isEmptyOrNull == false) {
return Text("Un error occured : ${state.errorMessage}");
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: state.fruits.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
final fruit = state.fruits[index];
return ListTile(
title: Text(,
subtitle: Text(,
trailing: fruit.genus == FruitGenus.citrus
? const Icon(Icons.restaurant_menu)
: null,
cd test; cd features;
mkdir fruit; cd fruit;
mkdir mock;
mkdir domain;
cd domain;
mkdir usecases;
mkdir utils;
cd ..;
mkdir data;
cd data;
mkdir repository;
mkdir mapper;
cd ..;
mkdir presentation;
cd presentation;
mkdir cubit;
mkdir pages;
mkdir widgets;
cd ..;
Let's start by test the data layer
Inside test/all_tests.dart;
// Fruit feature
import './features/fruit/data/mapper/fruit_mapper_test.dart' as fruit_mapper_test;
import './features/fruit/data/repository/fruit_repository_test.dart' as fruit_repository_test;
import './features/fruit/domain/usecases/fruit_usecase_test.dart' as fruit_usecase_test;
import './features/fruit/presentation/cubit/fruit_cubit_test.dart' as fruit_cubit_test;
void main() {
// Fruit feature
cd mock; touch fruit_data_mock.dart
class FruitMock {
Then check brut data and pick relevant data to mock
You will define :
- FruitsJson
- FruitsModel
- FruitsEntity
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/data/models/fruit_model.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/domain/entities/fruit_entity.dart';
class FruitDataMock {
static const fruitsJson = {
"name": "Persimmon",
"id": 52,
"family": "Ebenaceae",
"order": "Rosales",
"genus": "Diospyros",
"nutritions": {"calories": 81, "fat": 0.0, "sugar": 18.0, "carbohydrates": 18.0, "protein": 0.0}
"name": "Lemon",
"id": 26,
"family": "Rutaceae",
"order": "Sapindales",
"genus": "Citrus",
"nutritions": {"calories": 29, "fat": 0.3, "sugar": 2.5, "carbohydrates": 9.0, "protein": 1.1}
static const fruitsModel = [
name: "Persimmon",
family: "Ebenaceae",
genus: "Diospyros",
name: "Lemon",
family: "Rutaceae",
genus: "Citrus",
static const fruitsEntity = [
name: "Persimmon",
family: "Ebenaceae",
genus: FruitGenus.unknown,
name: "Lemon",
family: "Rutaceae",
genus: FruitGenus.citrus,
cd data; cd mapper; touch fruit_mapper_test.dart;
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/data/mapper/fruit_mapper.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/data/models/fruit_model.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import '../../mock/fruit_mock.dart';
void main() {
group('[Fruit] [Mapper] :', () {
test('FruitModel from Json', () {
final modelFromJson = FruitModel.fromJson(FruitMock.fruitsJson[0]);
expect(modelFromJson, equals(FruitMock.fruitsModel[0]));
test('FruitEntity from FruitModel', () {
final entityFromModel = FruitMock.fruitsModel[0].toEntity();
expect(entityFromModel, equals(FruitMock.fruitsEntity[0]));
test('FruitsEntity (list) from FruitsModel (list)', () {
final entitiesFromModels = FruitMock.fruitsModel.toEntity();
expect(entitiesFromModels, equals(FruitMock.fruitsEntity));
cd mock; touch fruit_class_mock.dart
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/data/data_sources/fruit_api.dart';
import 'package:mocktail/mocktail.dart';
class MockFruitApi extends Mock implements FruitApi {}
cd data; cd repository; touch fruit_repository_test.dart;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/data/data_sources/fruit_api.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/data/repository/fruit_repository_impl.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:mocktail/mocktail.dart';
import '../../mock/fruit_class_mock.dart';
import '../../mock/fruit_data_mock.dart';
void main() {
late FruitApi mockFruitApi;
late FruitRepositoryImpl repository;
setUp(() {
mockFruitApi = MockFruitApi();
repository = FruitRepositoryImpl(mockFruitApi);
group('[Fruit] [Repository] :', () {
test('Calling repository.getFruits() when success', () async {
when(() => mockFruitApi.getFruits()).thenAnswer(
(_) => Future.value(FruitDataMock.fruitsModel),
final result = await repository.getFruits();
() => mockFruitApi.getFruits(),
(error) => null,
(data) {
expect(data, FruitDataMock.fruitsEntity);
test('Calling repository.getFruits() when error', () async {
final timeoutException = TimeoutException('timeout');
when(() => mockFruitApi.getFruits()).thenThrow(timeoutException);
final result = await repository.getFruits();
() => mockFruitApi.getFruits(),
(error) {
expect(error, timeoutException);
(data) => null,
cd mock; code fruit_class_mock.dart
Add :
class MockFruitRepository extends Mock implements FruitRepository {}
cd domain; cd usecase; touch fruit_usecase_test.dart;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:dartz/dartz.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/domain/entities/fruit_entity.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/domain/repository_abstract/fruit_repository.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/domain/usecases/get_fruit_usecase.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:mocktail/mocktail.dart';
import '../../mock/fruit_class_mock.dart';
import '../../mock/fruit_data_mock.dart';
void main() {
late GetFruitUseCase getFruitUseCase;
late FruitRepository mockFruitRepository;
setUp(() {
mockFruitRepository = MockFruitRepository();
getFruitUseCase = GetFruitUseCase(mockFruitRepository);
group('[Fruit] [Usecase] :', () {
test('Calling getFruitUseCase() when success', () async {
when(() => mockFruitRepository.getFruits())
.thenAnswer((_) async => Future<Either<Exception, List<FruitEntity>>>.value(
const Right(FruitDataMock.fruitsEntity),
final result = await getFruitUseCase();
() => mockFruitRepository.getFruits(),
(error) => null,
(data) {
expect(data, FruitDataMock.fruitsEntity);
test('Calling getFruitUseCase() when error', () async {
final timeoutException = TimeoutException('timeout');
when(() => mockFruitRepository.getFruits())
.thenAnswer((_) async => Future<Either<Exception, List<FruitEntity>>>.value(
final result = await getFruitUseCase();
() => mockFruitRepository.getFruits(),
(error) => {expect(error, timeoutException)},
(data) => null,
cd mock; code fruit_class_mock.dart
Add :
class MockFruitRepository extends Mock implements FruitRepository {}
cd domain; cd usecase; touch fruit_usecase_test.dart;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:bloc_test/bloc_test.dart';
import 'package:dartz/dartz.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/domain/entities/fruit_entity.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/domain/usecases/get_fruit_usecase.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/presentation/cubit/fruit_cubit.dart';
import 'package:flutter_starter/features/fruit/presentation/cubit/fruit_state.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:mocktail/mocktail.dart';
import '../../mock/fruit_class_mock.dart';
import '../../mock/fruit_data_mock.dart';
void main() {
late GetFruitUseCase mockGetFruitUseCase;
setUp(() {
mockGetFruitUseCase = MockGetFruitUseCase();
FruitCubit buildCubit() {
return FruitCubit(getFruitUseCase: mockGetFruitUseCase);
group('[Fruit] [Cubit] :', () {
final timeoutException = TimeoutException('timeout');
group('constructor', () {
test('works properly', () {
expect(buildCubit, returnsNormally);
blocTest<FruitCubit, FruitState>(
'cubit.getFruits() when success',
setUp: () {
when(() => mockGetFruitUseCase()).thenAnswer(
(_) async => Future<Either<Exception, List<FruitEntity>>>.value(const Right(FruitDataMock.fruitsEntity)));
build: buildCubit,
act: (cubit) => cubit.getFruits(),
expect: () => [
const FruitState(
isLoading: true,
fruits: [],
errorMessage: null,
const FruitState(
isLoading: false,
fruits: FruitDataMock.fruitsEntity,
errorMessage: null,
blocTest<FruitCubit, FruitState>(
'cubit.getFruits() when failure',
setUp: () {
when(() => mockGetFruitUseCase())
.thenAnswer((_) async => Future<Either<Exception, List<FruitEntity>>>.value(Left(timeoutException)));
build: buildCubit,
act: (cubit) => cubit.getFruits(),
expect: () => [
const FruitState(
isLoading: true,
fruits: [],
errorMessage: null,
isLoading: false,
fruits: [],
errorMessage: timeoutException.toString(),
brew install lcov
dart pub global activate remove_from_coverage
export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"
make tests
import "package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart";
part "bloc_state.freezed.dart";
part "bloc_state.g.dart";
sealed class BlocState with _$BlocState {
const factory BlocState.initial() = Initial;
const factory BlocState.loading() = Loading;
const factory BlocState.success() = Success;
const factory BlocState.error({String? errorMessage}) = Error;
factory BlocState.fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) => _$BlocStateFromJson(json);
- Use of
part of 'chromecast_cubit.dart';
inside the state and
import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
part "chromecast_state.dart";
part "chromecast_cubit.freezed.dart";
Inside the cubit