Arduino SIP library with UDP communications. Original class and methods authored by Juergen Liegner (SIP protocoll not fully implemented. Discussed at Can be used do do a notifying SIP call through e.g. a FRITZ!Box.
Tested with NodeMCU 1.0 (AI-Thinker ESP8266MOD ESP-12E) and D1 mini clone (ESP8266MOD ESP-12F). Because of this, "architectures" in "" is currently set to "esp8266"-only. If you want to use the library on another Arduino architecture, replace the "esp8266" with a "*" and let me know, if it works.
- You need a FRITZ!Box or equivalent which supports SIP and TR-064.
- Grant access for applications to the FRITZ!Box:
Heimnetz -> Netzwerk -> Netzwerkeinstellungen -> Heimnetzfreigaben: Zufriff für Anwendungen zulassen / Statusinformationen über UPnP übertragen
For SIP call functionality ("DualDoorbell" and "LaundryNotifier" example)
- The ESP8266 acts as a VOIP telephone for the FRITZ!Box, so a new phone has to be set up:
Telefonie -> Telefoniegeräte -> Neues Gerät einrichten: Telefon (mit und ohne Anrufbeantworter) -> LAN/WLAN (IP-Telefon) -> Benutzername / Kennwort ...
- Follow the setup assistant. Benutzername (Username) will be used for "SipUSER" and Kennwort (Password) will be used for "SipPW" in the code.
- The ESP8266 acts as a VOIP telephone for the FRITZ!Box, so a new phone has to be set up:
For TR-064 SOAP communications ("LaundryNotifier" example)
- You need at least a FRITZ!DECT 200 (10A max.) or FRITZ!DECT 210 (15A max.) depending on your laundry devices. The example is made for two devices.
- Install Aypac's "Arduino-TR-064-SOAP-Library" from to your Arduino library path.
- Set up a net FRITZ!Box user for interaction with the TR-064 SOAP interface:
System -> FRITZ!Box-Benutzer -> Benutzer: Benutzer hinzufügen -> Benutzername / Kennwort, Berechtigungen: Fritz!Box Einstellungen / Sprachnachrichten, Faxnachrichten, FRITZ!App Fon und Anrufliste / Smart Home
- Follow the setup assistant. "Benutzername" (Username) will be used for "FbApiUSER" and "Kennwort" (Password) will be used for "FbApiPW" in the code. Check the mentioned boxes for that user.
Maybe someone can give me the correct translations from an english localized FRITZ!Box browser interface.
- DualDoorbell
- A dual doorbell example adapted from Florian Wernze (see
- LaundryNotifier
- A laundry notifier example using the TR-064 SOAP library ( to aquire the power information from two home automation smartplugs and notify via SIP call, that the washing machine and/or dryer is ready.