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General Lipschitz framework

Algorithms for certification DL models to sematic transformations.

To start, create an image with container, install required libraries from requirements.txt, set suitable path to ImageNet dataset in, and set up Jupyter lab. In case there is a lack of specific librarym install it additionally. Put in checkpoints directory models' weights from here. Put in new_results directory models' weights from here. Put in tss_weights directory models' weights from TTS link here. Don't forget to unzip the downoloaded files.

To obtain presented in the article results (ours, TSS', MP's), go through notebooks/main_notebook_1.ipynb and notebooks/main_notebook_2.ipynb or run CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python configs/config_name.yaml (don't forget to set GPU in the file). You should choose the perturbation you want to certify the model to in gamma (for numericall calculations of required functions), choose parameters of smoothing distributions (scale parameters), create or initialize two function: attack (for ERA) and smoothing phi (for certification and augmentations during training): For example, for Gamma and Contrast

sigma_c = 0.1
sigma_gamma = 0.1

def gamma(x, b, c, tr_type:str):
    if tr_type == 'gc': ##gamma-contrast
        c0 = c[0] / DEFAULT_SIGMA
        c1 = c[1] / DEFAULT_SIGMA * sigma_c

        c0 = norm_to_ray_1d(c0, sigma_gamma)

        b1 = b[0]*c0
        b2 = b[1]**c0 * norm_to_lognorm(c1)
        return jnp.array([b1, b2])
def attack_gc_torch(x, b):
    return (x ** b[0]) * b[1]

# for augmentations
def _phi_gc_torch_batch_and_noise(x, sigma_g=sigma_gamma, sigma_c=sigma_c):
    q = (torch.randn(len(x)) * sigma_g).to(device)
    q_= (torch.randn(len(x)) * sigma_g).to(device)
    q = torch.sqrt(q**2 + q_**2)

    q1 = (torch.randn(len(x)) * sigma_c).to(device)

    q = q[:, None, None, None]
    q1 = torch.exp(q1[:,None,None,None]) ## Norm to Lornorm
    return (x**q) * q1


type_of_transform = 'gc'
Phi = construct_phi(type_of_transform, device, sigma_gamma=sigma_gamma, sigma_c=sigma_c)

Example of numericall estimations of g(beta)

ns = 10000
x0 = jnp.array([1.1,0.3]) # WHATEVER point
d = 2 ## number of transformation parameters
b_zero = jnp.array([1.0, 1.0]) #identical transformation parameters

betas1 = jnp.linspace(0.4, 2.2, 30) ## set a bit larger range than you want to certify
betas2 = jnp.linspace(0.4, 2.2, 32)
betas = jnp.asarray(list(map(jnp.array, itertools.product(betas1, betas2)))) 

bounds, p, g = compute_normed_bounds(compute_bound, x0, gamma, b_zero, betas, key, ns, d, type_of_transform)

x, xi = pxi_to_xi(p)

z = csaps([betas1, betas2], g.reshape(*betas1.shape, *betas2.shape)) # interpolate

hg = []
for beta in tqdm(betas):
    hat_g = g_to_hat_g(z, beta, b_zero)
hat_g = jnp.asarray(hg)
hatg_int = csaps([betas1, betas2], hat_g.reshape(*betas1.shape, *betas2.shape)) #intterpolation of Integral g(beta) -- required function in certification condition

or use prepare function

ns = 20000
b_zero = jnp.array([1.0, 1.0])
x0 = jnp.array([1.1, 1.3]) # Whatever
d = 2

betas1 = jnp.linspace(0.4, 2.2, 30) ## set a bit larger range than you want to certify
betas2 = jnp.linspace(0.4, 2.2, 32)
betas_list = [betas1, betas2]
type_of_transform = 'gc'

Phi = construct_phi(type_of_transform, device, sigma_gamma=sigma_gamma, sigma_c=sigma_c)
attack = attack_gc_torch
res_gc = construct_bounds(ns, b_zero, x0, d, betas_list, type_of_transform)
xi, hatg_int = res_gc

and procceed with smoothed classifier predictions collectionusing pa_isOk_collector and obtaining minimum value of $h$ inCertAccChecker, that is required to accomplish certification conditiom.

For training your own models use, e.g.

python --run_name cifar10_trans  --dataset cifar10 --arch cifar_resnet110 --type tr --epochs 150  --lr_step_size 50 --batch 512 --device cuda:0 --lr 0.01 --tr 15.0 --lbd 10

python --run_name cifar100_cb  --dataset cifar100 --arch cifar100_resnet110 --type cb --epochs 150  --lr_step_size 50 --batch 512 --device cuda:5 --lr 0.004 --lbd 10 --sigma_c 0.6 --sigma_b 0.6

To obtain Gsmooth results, move to gsmooth/src, choose or create a proper config, and run python configs/CONFIG_NAME.yaml. Gsmooth CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 results are presented in gsmooth_X.ipynb notebooks.

In case of problems with cv2,

pip uninstall opencv-python
pip uninstall opencv-python-headless

python -m site

Delete all cv2, opencv.. dirs from /opt/conda/lib/python3.Y/site-packages

follow the instructions or from there:

apt-get update
apt-get install ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6  -y

apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3-opencv
pip install opencv-python


Numericall experiments






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