This is a modern player in which you can listen to (almost) any episode of Toolroom radio (hosted by Mark Knight)
You can download it and use it to listen to the radio show, or you can customise it and make playlists for example. It is up to you.
Demo of this player is available here
Download the project by clicking here. Then unzip it. You need to have PHP installed in order to use this project. If you want to use it using built-in PHP server, open terminal or command prompt from the root of this project and type this command:
php -S localhost:80
Now you can open your browser and type http://localhost:80. Keep in mind that seeking forwards and backwards is not working on PHP built-in server. You should use this together with Apache2.
If you want to use this on a Linux-based machine, you need to change specific permissions for the folder src
cd src # assuming you are already in the root folder of this project
sudo chown -R $USER:www-data .
sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;
sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
sudo chgrp -R www-data src .
sudo chmod -R ug+rwx src .