Arduino/Custom PCB firmware for SysLat project. Repo for SysLat Software for Windows can be found here:
Clone this repo and follow the instructions on (coming soon)
//I got through writing these instructions and realized they are completely wrong. You were wanting to write some kind of script using avrdude(?), right? I need to look into that more. While there are multiple ways to "flash"(am I using this word right? probably not) an Adafruit microcontroller, this set of instructions will require the Arduino IDE.
- Download the file syslat_fw_pcb_rev_1.ino.with_bootloader.itsybitsy32u4.hex
- Download and install the Arduino IDE
- Open the Arduino IDE
- Go to File -> Preferences -> Additional Boards Manager URLs and enter the following URL, then press OK.
- From the Tools menu:
- Go to Board -> Boards Manager then install Adafruit AVR Boards, and close the window.
- Then in Board -> Adafruit Boards choose AdaFruit ItsyBitsy 32u4 5V 16MHz.
- Under the Port menu choose the correct COM port that represents your device as shown in this screenshot.
- Very common errors occur here, but I can't remember the exact problem so I can't find the documentation for it. If you run into an error at this step please reach out to us at [email protected].
- Upload the file to the board.