Source repository for
- Weapons of choice... We are building a MEAN app!
- Frontend should be done in Angular.
- Database should be MongoDB.
- Server should be ExpressJS.
- Mongoose ODM should be used for object modelling with MongoDB.
- Maintain consistency in layout
- Use standard naming convention for variables and classes. e.g. PascalCase for classes, UPPERCASE for const and camelCase for viarables.
- Use line indentation for easy reading of code. Leave a space after closing classes or functions.
- Keep lines under 120 characters wide.
- Avoid trailing spaces. One or two lines to break up code for readability is preferred
- Documentation and comments
- All variables should be descriptive. Avoid using things like x.
- If the code isn't obvious on what it is doing, add inline comments to explain further.
- Add comments for code to be implemented at a later date.
- Incomplete code should not be commented out and pushed to master. Create a branch or stash this somewhere else.
- Git commits should be short one line subjects with no full stop. Thing in terms of: If applied, this commit will Add CCS styling for main page
Clone the repo
git clone
Install packages
cd ./UnlimitedSpace npm install In windows OS, Open powershell with administrator privileges and run this command, then proceed with bcrypt installation npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
Install MongoDB. See guide here.
An alternate option is to run Mongo in a Docker container
docker run --name mongodb -p 27017:27017 --rm mongo:4.0.1
Start MondoDB
mkdir -p ./db/data mongod --dbpath ./db/data --logpath ./db/log
Populate MongoDB collections
Populate local DB with:
node ./populateDb mongodb://localhost:27017/unlimitedSpaceDb
Populate cloud DB with:
node ./populateDb mongodb+srv://dbuser:[email protected]/unlimitedSpaceDb?retryWrites=true
For local development, start the backend API
npm start
And start the frontend
ng serve
Connect to frontend: http://localhost:4200/
username: [email protected]
password: testtest
username: [email protected]
password: testtest
- For local development, we run the frontend and backend as different processes but for the cloud, we run them under a single process or app.
- We have a CD pipeline that builds the angular frontend and deploys the app.
- Our frontend (Angular) is set to connect to localhost by default or relative path ./api when run with the prod argument.
- Our backend (ExpressJS) connects to our cloud DB server using environment variable production when found, otherwise it defaults to MongoDb localhost.
- With this setup, we can do rapid development locally using Angular's dynamic build and reload with
ng serve
, continuously intergrade (push) back to Github and continuously deploy to the cloud and not have to worry about changing server settings.
- main site:
- API -
- Hotel API
- Get all hotels - /hotel
- Get hotel by id - /hotel/id
- Room API
- Get all rooms -
- Get room by id -
- Get room by hotel -
- Get room by hotel, sort by price and limit to two results -
- Hotel API