Castle detects and mitigates account takeover in web and mobile apps. This is a Perl client for the Castle.IO API web service (
To install this module, run the following commands:
cpanm WebService::CastleIO
use WebService::CastleIO;
my $castle = WebService::CastleIO->new(
api_secret => 'sRq3Zmzpxwu6eDXiYCFB3xyfi4ZnVjnn',
cookie_id => 'abcd',
ip_address => '',
headers => JSON->new->allow_nonref->utf8->encode({'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0'}),
source => 'backend',
debug => 1
Track lets you record security-related actions your users perform. Events are processed asynchronously to return as quickly as possible.
my $event_result = $castle->track(
data => {user_id => 'dummy', name => '$login.succeeded', properties => {threat => 'Large', whatever => 'made up'}}
Authenticate is processed synchronous and returns returns an action of the types approve, challenge or deny.
my $auth_result = $castle->authenticate(
data => {user_id => 'dummywriter', name => '$login.succeeded'},
User updates are processed asynchronously to return as quickly as possible.
my $identify_result = $castle->identify(
data => {user_id => 'dummywriter', traits => {'foo' => 'bar'}},
Reviews lets you fetch the context for a user to review anomalous account activity.
my $reviews_result = $castle->review(review_id => 12356789);
After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc WebService::CastleIO
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This project and the code therein was not created by and is not supported by Castle.
Dino Simone ([email protected])