Retain SNV variants where distance to nearest indel >= D
- Make a list of start and end positions of all indels in VCF, where start is given by POS and end is POS + length(REF) - 1
- For each SNV call, evaluate whether it is within a given distance (default 5) of an indel start or end
bash [options] input.vcf
-h: Print this help message
-d: Dry run. output commands but do not execute them
-v: print filter debug information
-o OUTPUT : Output filename. Directory will be created. Default: write to stdout
-D distance: Minimum distance between snv and nearest indel required to retain snv call. Default is 5
-N: remove filtered variants. Default is to retain filtered variants with "proximity" in VCF FILTER field
git clone --recursive
Docker image: mwyczalkowski/snp_indel_proximity_filter
Matt Wyczalkowski ([email protected])