NFT Marketplace - Almost fully decentralized NFT Marketplace.
A raffle costs 0.00001 ETH.
Every player can enter as many times as they want.
A winner is picked every 30 seconds who is rewarded with all the raffle’s payments.
Chainlink VRF for randomness - Choosing the winner
Chainlink Keepers for maintaining the lottery flow - Calls the end lottery function “performUpkeep” every 30 seconds to provide a fair environment for all players
Available on networks:
Hosted on fleek - a free decentralized IPFS pinning service
Module not found: Can't resolve 'magic-sdk'
yarn add magic-sdk @walletconnect/web3-provider @web3auth/web3auth
Module not found: Can't resolve '@bip/scuro61'
npm install
Running scripts with Windows Powershell (faster than WSL):
Install npm on Windows
Install yarn through npm
Open powershell as admin and run:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
SpeedRunEthereum - Tutorials in the form of challenges to explain DeFi and smart contracts' concepts.
Ethernaut - Interactive game to learn smart contracts.