This is supplementary code to the ICML 2021 submission of the 'Provably Robust Adversarial Examples' paper.
To download and install the code for pixel intensity CIFAR10 and MNIST experiments execute the following commands:
git clone
cd symadex21
source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate
conda activate eran_symadex
To run our approach on MNIST convSmall call the script as follows:
cd tf_verify/
To run the baseline on MNIST convSmall call the script as follows:
cd tf_verify/
To run our approach on CIFAR10 convSmall call the script as follows:
cd tf_verify/
To run the baseline on CIFAR10 convSmall call the script as follows:
cd tf_verify/
To run our approach on MNIST convBig call the script as follows:
cd tf_verify/
To run the baseline on MNIST convBig call the script as follows:
cd tf_verify/
To run our approach on MNIST 8x200 call the script as follows:
cd tf_verify/
To run the baseline on MNIST 8x200 call the script as follows:
cd tf_verify/
The resulting robust adversarial examples from our approach will appear under ./tf_verify/NetworkName_ImgNum_class_AdvClass_it_Iteration. The output of our method will appear under ./tf_verify/NetworkName_ImgNum.txt.
The resulting robust adversarial examples from the baseline will appear under ./tf_verify/NetworkName_ImgNum_class_AdvClass_baseline_it_Iteration. The output of the baseline experiment will appear under ./tf_verify/NetworkName_baseline_ImgNum.txt
To download and install the code for pixel intensity CIFAR10 and MNIST experiments execute the following commands:
git clone
cd symadex21
git checkout geometric
git clone
cp * eran/
cd eran/
To run the geometric 3D Rotation experiments on MNIST convSmall call the script as follows:
cd tf_verify/
To run the geometric 3D Rotation experiments on MNIST convBig call the script as follows:
cd tf_verify/
To run the geometric 3D Rotation experiments on CIFAR10 convSmall call the script as follows:
cd tf_verify/
To run the geometric 3D Translation experiments on MNIST convSmall call the script as follows:
cd tf_verify/
To run the geometric 3D Translation experiments on MNIST convBig call the script as follows:
cd tf_verify/
To run the geometric 3D Translation experiments on CIFAR10 convSmall call the script as follows:
cd tf_verify/
To run the geometric 4D Rotation experiments on MNIST convSmall call the script as follows:
cd tf_verify/
To run the geometric 4D Rotation experiments on MNIST convBig call the script as follows:
cd tf_verify/
To run the geometric 4D Rotation experiments on CIFAR10 convSmall call the script as follows:
cd tf_verify/
The output of the experiments above will appear under tf_verify/TransformationName_NetworkName_0_100.txt.
To run the c value comparison experiment execute the following:
cd tf_verify/
The output of the experiments above will appear under tf_verify/3d_translation_convBig_0_100_0.75.txt and tf_verify/3d_translation_convBig_0_100_0.85.txt.
To run the EoT experiment execute the following:
cd tf_verify/
The output of the experiments above will appear under tf_verify/3d_rotation_convBig_0_100_eot.txt