PsyNeuLinkView is a desktop app built with Electron and react/redux that serves as a graphical user interface for the PsyNeuLink python library. Currently, the app supports visualization, execution, and plotting of PsyNeuLink Compositions. All functionality is currently limited and experimental, with many improvements and expansions of functionality planned.
node.js on path
to install:
on Windows (via chocolatey): choco install nodejs
on Mac/Linux (via homebrew): brew install node
yarn on path
to install:
on Windowss (via chocolatey): choco install yarn
on Mac/Linux (via homebrew): brew install node
Python 3.x with PsyNeuLink (pip install psyneulink), RedBaron (pip install redbaron) installed (does not need to be on path)
navigate to the top level of the PNLV repo in your terminal and execute the command:
$ yarn
navigate to the top level of the PNLV repo in your terminal and execute the command:
$ yarn electron-dev
navigate to the top level of the PNLV repo in your terminal and execute the command:
$ yarn build # build for host OS
$ yarn build -m # build for mac
$ yarn build -w # build for win
# yarn build -l # build for linux
NOTE: compiling for Mac requires Mac host