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Move closureConvert and validate compiler phases into separate files. (
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nickchapman-da authored Nov 11, 2021
1 parent 87f282c commit 7296ba4
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// Copyright (c) 2021 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package com.daml.lf.speedy

/** Closure Conversion (Phase of the speedy compiler pipeline)
* This compilation phase transforms from SExpr0 to SExpr0.
* SExpr0 contains expression forms which exist during the speedy compilation pipeline.
* TODO: introduces new expression type (SExpr1) for the result of this phase, and input to the
* following ANF transformation phase.

import com.daml.lf.speedy.{SExpr0 => s}

private[speedy] object ClosureConversion {

case class CompilationError(error: String) extends RuntimeException(error, null, true, false)

/** Convert abstractions in a speedy expression into
* explicit closure creations.
* This step computes the free variables in an abstraction
* body, then translates the references in the body into
* references to the immediate top of the argument stack,
* and changes the abstraction into a closure creation node
* describing the free variables that need to be captured.
* For example:
* SELet(..two-bindings..) in
* SEAbs(2,
* SEVar(4) .. [reference to first let-bound variable]
* SEVar(2)) [reference to first function-arg]
* =>
* SELet(..two-bindings..) in
* SEMakeClo(
* Array(SELocS(2)), [capture the first let-bound variable, from the stack]
* 2,
* SELocF(0) .. [reference the first let-bound variable via the closure]
* SELocA(0)) [reference the first function arg]

// TODO: Introduce a new type expression for the result of closure conversion
private[speedy] def closureConvert(expr: s.SExpr): s.SExpr = {
closureConvert(Map.empty, expr)

private def closureConvert(remaps: Map[Int, s.SELoc], expr: s.SExpr): s.SExpr = {

// remaps is a function which maps the relative offset from variables (SEVar) to their runtime location
// The Map must contain a binding for every variable referenced.
// The Map is consulted when translating variable references (SEVar) and free variables of an abstraction (SEAbs)
def remap(i: Int): s.SELoc =
remaps.get(i) match {
case Some(loc) => loc
case None =>
throw CompilationError(s"remap($i),remaps=$remaps")
expr match {
case s.SEVar(i) => remap(i)
case v: s.SEVal => v
case be: s.SEBuiltin => be
case pl: s.SEValue => pl
case f: s.SEBuiltinRecursiveDefinition => f
case s.SELocation(loc, body) =>
s.SELocation(loc, closureConvert(remaps, body))

case s.SEAbs(0, _) =>
throw CompilationError("empty SEAbs")

case s.SEAbs(arity, body) =>
val fvs = freeVars(body, arity).toList.sorted
val newRemapsF: Map[Int, s.SELoc] = { case (orig, i) =>
(orig + arity) -> s.SELocF(i)
val newRemapsA = (1 to arity).map { case i =>
i -> s.SELocA(arity - i)
// The keys in newRemapsF and newRemapsA are disjoint
val newBody = closureConvert(newRemapsF ++ newRemapsA, body)
s.SEMakeClo(, arity, newBody)

case s.SEAppGeneral(fun, args) =>
val newFun = closureConvert(remaps, fun)
val newArgs =, _))
s.SEApp(newFun, newArgs)

case s.SECase(scrut, alts) =>
closureConvert(remaps, scrut), { case s.SCaseAlt(pat, body) =>
val n = pat.numArgs
closureConvert(shift(remaps, n), body),

case s.SELet(bounds, body) =>
s.SELet( { case (b, i) =>
closureConvert(shift(remaps, i), b)
closureConvert(shift(remaps, bounds.length), body),

case s.SETryCatch(body, handler) =>
closureConvert(remaps, body),
closureConvert(shift(remaps, 1), handler),

case s.SEScopeExercise(body) =>
s.SEScopeExercise(closureConvert(remaps, body))

case s.SELabelClosure(label, expr) =>
s.SELabelClosure(label, closureConvert(remaps, expr))

case s.SELet1General(bound, body) =>
s.SELet1General(closureConvert(remaps, bound), closureConvert(shift(remaps, 1), body))

case _: s.SELoc | _: s.SEMakeClo | _: s.SEDamlException | _: s.SEImportValue =>
throw CompilationError(s"closureConvert: unexpected $expr")

// Modify/extend `remaps` to reflect when new values are pushed on the stack. This
// happens as we traverse into SELet and SECase bodies which have bindings which at
// runtime will appear on the stack.
// We must modify `remaps` because it is keyed by indexes relative to the end of the stack.
// And any values in the map which are of the form SELocS must also be _shifted_
// because SELocS indexes are also relative to the end of the stack.
private[this] def shift(remaps: Map[Int, s.SELoc], n: Int): Map[Int, s.SELoc] = {

// We must update both the keys of the map (the relative-indexes from the original SEVar)
// And also any values in the map which are stack located (SELocS), which are also indexed relatively
val m1 = { case (k, loc) => (n + k, shiftLoc(loc, n)) }

// And create mappings for the `n` new stack items
val m2 = (1 to n).map(i => (i, s.SELocS(i)))

m1 ++ m2

private[this] def shiftLoc(loc: s.SELoc, n: Int): s.SELoc = loc match {
case s.SELocS(i) => s.SELocS(i + n)
case s.SELocA(_) | s.SELocF(_) => loc

/** Compute the free variables in a speedy expression.
* The returned free variables are de bruijn indices
* adjusted to the stack of the caller.
private[this] def freeVars(expr: s.SExpr, initiallyBound: Int): Set[Int] = {
def go(expr: s.SExpr, bound: Int, free: Set[Int]): Set[Int] =
expr match {
case s.SEVar(i) =>
if (i > bound) free + (i - bound) else free /* adjust to caller's environment */
case _: s.SEVal => free
case _: s.SEBuiltin => free
case _: s.SEValue => free
case _: s.SEBuiltinRecursiveDefinition => free
case s.SELocation(_, body) =>
go(body, bound, free)
case s.SEAppGeneral(fun, args) =>
args.foldLeft(go(fun, bound, free))((acc, arg) => go(arg, bound, acc))
case s.SEAbs(n, body) =>
go(body, bound + n, free)
case s.SECase(scrut, alts) =>
alts.foldLeft(go(scrut, bound, free)) { case (acc, s.SCaseAlt(pat, body)) =>
val n = pat.numArgs
go(body, bound + n, acc)
case s.SELet(bounds, body) =>
bounds.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(go(body, bound + bounds.length, free)) {
case (acc, (expr, idx)) => go(expr, bound + idx, acc)
case s.SELabelClosure(_, expr) =>
go(expr, bound, free)
case s.SETryCatch(body, handler) =>
go(body, bound, go(handler, 1 + bound, free))
case s.SEScopeExercise(body) =>
go(body, bound, free)

case _: s.SELoc | _: s.SEMakeClo | _: s.SEDamlException | _: s.SEImportValue |
_: s.SELet1General =>
throw CompilationError(s"freeVars: unexpected $expr")

go(expr, initiallyBound, Set.empty)


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