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Post events from the QNAP event logs to a Telegram chat.


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What the name suggests, post events from the QNAP event logs to a Telegram chat.


  • Registeren your own Telegram bot via @BotFather
  • You will require your bot's token
  • For my own convenience I have created a Telegram group chat that includes all my automation clients and bots
  • You will need the chat id of that group, you can find some instructions online, example
  • QNAP stores the events in /etc/event.log, this log file is an Sqlite3 database format
  • Depending where you are running the code or Docker container you will need to map this file or folder

The code

Run locally

You can run the code by:

  1. Make sure you have nodejs installed on your system
  2. Run npm install (only needed the first time)
  3. There's a catch, because of building incompatability for docker, it is not included in package.json so you need to run npm install sqlite3 locally.
  4. Run npm start or node .

Note about the catch, I am running the container on arm64 and wanted to use the node-alpine build. The sqlite3 lib is not pre-build for that combination so I had to use some workarounds in my Dockerfile to achieve this and thus avoiding it being installed with the normal npm install.


You should be able to build the Docker container locally but take note of the cpu architecture you are building it on.

docker build -t deetoreu/qnap-event-to-telegram-bot:latest .


The docker container is available on Docker Hub:

Environment variables

These variables can be passed to the image from kubernetes.yaml or docker-compose.yml as needed:

Variable Type Default Description
LOG_LEVEL String DEBUG log4js debug level, choices are: OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL, but I reccomend keeping it on DEBUG
TELEGRAM_TOKEN String Your Telegram Bot token
TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID String Your Telegram Chat ID where you want the events to appear
TELEGRAM_SILTENT_EVENTS_REGEX String '' Regex for events that should receive a silent alert (Notation as constructor function with string pattern)
TELEGRAM_DISCARD_EVENTS_REGEX String '' Regex for events that should not be send
EVENT_INTERVAL Number 60 * 1000 Interval to check the event log for new events, in [ms]
EVENT_TABLE String NASLOG_EVENT In case the table would be named differently on your system
EVENT_DB String event.log The filename of the database

Log files

Everything is logged on the console but also saved to a file per startup. If you want your logs to be persistent you can map a volume to /usr/src/app/logs


docker run example:

docker run -e TELEGRAM_TOKEN=123456789:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -e TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=-123456789 -v ~/Documents/tmp/logs:/usr/src/app/logs -v ~/Documents/tmp/db:/usr/src/app/db deetoreu/qnap-event-to-telegram-bot:latest

or add the detach -d flag to run in the background

docker-compose.yml example:

version: '3.6'
    container_name: qnap-events
    image: deetoreu/qnap-event-to-telegram-bot
    restart: unless-stopped
      TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID: "-123456789"
      NTBA_FIX_319: 1 #
      - ./volumes/qnap/logs:/usr/src/app/logs
      - ./volumes/qnap/db/:/usr/src/app/db/

apply with docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

Add to the project

Feel free to add your comments, report issues or make a PR to the project.

I hope this was of some help to at least someone.


Just a little backstory why this repo exists. I have a QNAP NAS system at home and it was running the IFTTT Agent so I could receive the NAS events via Telegram in order not to have the QNAP App installed and sending me push notifications. I also thought it was handy since it didn't involve a lot of extra work, just setting up an applet on IFTTT. However, a while back IFTTT decided to make more than 3 applets available as a payment subscription and I no longer thurst them handling my data for free. Next to that there is a significant delay in receiving the messages up to about 10 minutes, or if the IFTTT service fails you need to reconnect it.

I figured the IFTTT Agent could read the events from the NAS so I should be able to do the same as well, and even run everything locally. Now, my NAS model is too old to run Docker so I'm running everything on NUC with the files mounted to it over the network.

When doing some research I found this repo and decided to take a similar approach in Node.js.