My personal tweaks on macOS. Tweak it as you like it, dotfiles are meant to be forked.
- homebrew to install GUI applications, CLI tools and fonts
- terminal & shell settings
- macOS system preferences
1. Check for software updates.
$ sudo softwareupdate -i -r
2. Install it all.
don't just like run this, check the file contents!.
$ curl -L | sh
3. Tell Git who you are.
I prefer doing it in a separate
file, referred by.gitconfig
$ git config -f ~/.gitlocal "{Your email}"
4. Generate SSH keys and add them to GitHub.
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "{Work email}" -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "{Personal email}" -f ~/.ssh/id_personal
5. Tell npm who you are.
$ npm set "{Your name}"
$ npm set "{Your email}"
$ npm set "{Your URL}"
$ npm adduser
Have fun!
Inspired by Holman, Mathias Bynens, Deny Dias and this question.