A SpecFlow plugin to share background steps with multiple features and scenarios.
You can use it with a Background statement:
Background: the background steps of 'SharedBackground' have been executed
Or as a step definition:
Given the background steps of 'SharedBackground' have been executed
You can also reference specific scenarios, rather than a background definition:
Given the scenario 'Add two numbers' of 'SharedBackground' has been executed
It also support recursively importing scenario definitions:
Scenario: Enter first number
Given I have entered 50
Scenario: Enter second number
Given the scenario 'Enter first number' has been executed
And I have also entered 50
Scenario: Add two numbers
Given the scenario 'Enter second number' has been executed
When I add the two numbers
Then the result is 100
Just add SharedBackground.SpecFlowPlugin NuGet package to your SpecFlow test project and you're good to go.