The ultimate communication tool for all your reporting needs !
- Pull the code using the following command:
git clone
- Configure RBEnv in your local system
Use this guide:
- Install PostgreSQL
Pretty Reports runs by default on 9.1. You can use this:
You must configure two databases:
- pretty_reports_development: User prdev, password prdev
- pretty_reports_test: User prtest, password prtest
You can follow this guide for doing so:
- Install the necessary bundles in your local project
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
Remember that you must have configured:
- nokogiri: install build-essential and libxml2-dev / libxslt-dev packages
- PostgreSQL: At this point the pg gem will fail if you have not installed PostgreSQL on your system
- Run the setup task for Pretty Reports. This will setup your databases and run both RSpec and cucumber tests
bundle cat exec rake pretty_reports:setup
- Launch Unicorn (do not use WEBRick as we need multithreading for the PDFKit)
bundle exec unicorn_rails -c config/unicorn.conf.rb
You can now access Pretty Reports at http://localhost:3000. Prepare to be amazed !