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A POC to test DevOps implementations on a Java project

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A simple demo for the exploration of DevOps applied to Java project. POC stand for "Proof of Concept".


Getting Started

Project structure

Files and folders.

├───src                                # Folder of source files
│   ├───main                         
│   │   ├───java                       # Folder of java source code
│   │   │   └───...                  
│   │   └───resources                  # Folder of project resources and configurations
│   │       ├─── # Configuration of application
│   │       ├───logback.xml            # Configuration of logs
│   │       └───lombok.config          # Configuration of Lombok library
│   └───test                           # Folder of tests
│       ├───java                       # Folder of java source code for unit tests
│       │   └───...                  
│       └───jmeter                     # TODO - Folder of JMeter's tests (performance tests, end-to-end tests, integration tests)
├───docs                               # Folder of documentation files
│   ├───design						   # Directory with functional and technical documentation (swagger, datasource model, swagger, sequence diagrams, etc)
│   │   └───sequenceDiagram			   # Directory with sequence diagrams of flows
│   ├───           # Installation Guide of the project
│   └─── Release Notes (version, new/fixed files, test of new feature/fix)
├───.gitignore                         # File for Git ignore
├───Dockerfile                         # File of Docker image configuration
├───Dockerignore                       # File of Docker image ignored configuration files (e.g.: gitignore, readme, target, etc)
├───Jenkinsfile                        # File of Pipeline configurations for Jenkins build
├───mvnw                               # File of Maven Wrapper scripts for Linux environments
├───mvnw.cmd                           # File of Maven Wrapper scripts for Windows environments
├───pom.xml                            # File of Project Object Model (POM) definition for Maven build
└───                          # File of tecnical documentation of the project



The documentation has been written in the OpenAPI/Swagger format and is available:

  • as example in the swagger.yaml file.
  • as updated document created dynamically by the java project by running the instance of the project and reaching:
    • SWAGGER-JSON: http:///v3/api-docs
    • SWAGGER-UI: http:///swagger-ui/index.html where can be localhost:8080.

The swagger can be also visualized as HTML page using one of those options:

Postman collection

A Postman collection is available in the [POC DevOps Java.postman_collection.json](docs/design/POC DevOps Java.postman_collection.json) file.

Sequence diagram

An example of Sequence diagram is available in the design directory.

Installation from scratch

See the file.

Update of the installation

See the latest releaseNote file into the docs directory if any available.


See the Redmine/Asana/Jira/RTC for issues and backlog. [x] Build on Jenkins. [ ] Installation on Rancher. [x] Simple Installation. [ ] Authomated Installation. [ ] Custom PORT Installation. [ ] Spring Boot Actuator [ ] Building a RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot Actuator [ ] Make an HTTP call to external APIs. [ ] Make an HTTP call to APIs inside Rancher. [ ] Use Datasource (mySQL).

Contact for support and contributions

Name Description email
Team name Who we are [email protected]

License and copyright

Of the full component and of third parties components.


File created from the README_template_v.1.0


A POC to test DevOps implementations on a Java project






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