Random Distribution Generator (Python C API Extension)
Generates random numbers coming from the distributions:
- Uniform(a,b,N)
- Bernoulli(N)
- Binomial(n,p,N)
- NegativeBinomial(k,p,N)
- Geometric(p,N)
- Poisson(mean,N)
where N is the number of numbers generated.
Usage Example:
import rg
for i in rg.Poisson(4.5,N=10000):
Compiling and linking:
g++ -DDISTRIBUTIONS_COMPAT_C -fpermissive -c distributions.cpp
gcc -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall -fPIC -I/$INCLUDE_DIR -c rgmodule.c
gcc -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup rgmodule.o distributions.o -lstdc++ -L/LIB_DIR -o rg.so
- with $INCLUDE_DIR - directory where are the include files, including Python.h;
- with $LIB_DIR - library directory
- import module in the directory where is rg.so