TauDEM's InunMap & CatchHydroGeo is supported and compiles successfully by this Dockerfile.
This Dockerfile and dhardestylewis/taudem_docker's Dockerfile can be used as line-by-line installation instructions for TauDEM and GeoFlood's software dependencies.
Note: this GeoFlood Docker image does not contain a copy of GeoFlood itself. This image provides the software dependencies to GeoFlood. It will be necessary to separately install GeoFlood, whether within a GeoFlood container or separately on the host computer.
The general installation steps to get GeoFlood going:
- Pull the GeoFlood Docker image
- Clone the GeoFlood repository
- Initiate a GeoFlood container, mounting the location of the GeoFlood repository and the parent GeoFlood input/output directories
- Run GeoFlood and TauDEM functions from within the GeoFlood container
The following instructions are for Docker. Instructions for Singularity are be low.
Note: In these instructions, we assume the current working directory ($PWD) contains the cloned GeoFlood repository and the parent GeoFlood input/output directories.
GeoFlood commands may be run as one-off commands using this Docker image using the following shell command as a template:
docker run --name geoflood_bash --rm -i -t --mount type=bind,sour
ce="$(pwd)",target="/mnt/host" dhardestylewis/geoflood_docker:tacc python3 pygeonet_nonlinear_filter.py
or multiple GeoFlood commands may be run in sequence bringing up the Docker image once for all commands using the following shell command as a template:
docker run --name geoflood_bash --rm -i -t --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)
",target="/mnt/host" dhardestylewis/geoflood_docker:tacc bash geoflood_commands.sh
where geoflood_commands.sh
is written according to this template:
python3 pygeonet_nonlinear_filter.py
Singularity instructions.
The Singularity pull command is similar to the Docker pull command:
singularity pull \
--name geoflood.sif \
Once pulled, a one-off GeoFlood command using Singularity can be issued:
singularity exec \
geoflood.sif \
python3 pygeonet_nonlinear_filter.py
An interactive shell in the Singularity container may be used for troubleshooting or debugging:
singularity exec \
geoflood.sif \
GeoFlood combined with other commands in a shell script
Note: In these instructions, we assume the current working directory ($PWD) contains the cloned GeoFlood repository and the parent GeoFlood input/output directories.
GeoFlood may be wrapped in a shell script and run using Docker:
docker run \
--name geoflood_bash \
--rm \
-i \
-t \
dhardestylewis/geoflood_docker:tacc \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target="/mnt/host" \
bash -c './geoflood_commands.sh'
where the file geoflood_commands.sh
may be written as:
## Execute GeoFlood
python3 pygeonet_nonlinear_filter.py
To do the same using Singularity, execute:
singularity exec \
geoflood.sif \
bash -c './geoflood_commands.sh'
where geoflood_commands.sh
is written as above.