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- Mingw: https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/
- Cmake: https://cmake.org/install/
- Vscode: https://code.visualstudio.com/download/
- C/C++ intellisense
- Cmake/Cmake tools
Add the paths given below on environment variables.
- path_/mingw/bin
- C:\Program Files\CMake\bin
You need to Configure CMake on this project in VS code . You will then get options on bottom right of VS Code, to locate CMakeLists.txt which is in the project file itself. In case you didn't get that prompt, please follow instructions below to configure Cmake.
Execute CMake:Configure
on Command Palette. If it still didn't configure Cmake, follow the instructions below:
- Kits Specified for Cmake: GNU compiler (64/32bit)
CMake:Quick Start
- Also, restart IDE(Vs Code) after commands executed.
After Cmake is configured you get options on the bottom of VS Code to build and run the application using Cmake
path_to_file/build/project_name (project name as specified in cmakelist.txt)
path_to_file/g++ main.cpp path_to_file/ ./a.exe