Documentation related issues.
Issues with usability and error messages
Pull requests that update a dependency file
This issue or pull request already exists
Something most people could solve.
Deeply technical issue not recommended to beginners.
Fixing this requires some experience with the project.
Extra attention is needed
Something could be better.
Something requiring a response.
Critical issue that requires immediate attention.
Serious issue that requires eventual attention (can wait a bit)
Somehow important but would not block a release.
Low priority, something to be done once everything else seems fixed.
We were able to reproduce the issue and accept to work on it.
The issue is waiting for some other task to be completed.
The issue has been triaged but still not reproduced.
The issue has been sent back to the reporter asking for clarifications.
This issue needs more eyes on it, more investigation might be required before accepting/rejecting it
Issues that require further specification before implementation.
This will not be worked on