Terraform Module to deploy an Application Gateway into Azure.
This configuration creates a proxy server that serves a UI and API.
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "rg" {
name = "${var.prefix}-${var.env}-rg"
location = "Central US"
locals {
ui-beap = "ui-beap"
api-beap = "api-beap"
ui-htst = "ui-htst"
api-htst = "api-htst"
http-listener = "http-listener"
http-url-path = "http-url-path"
module "app-gateway" {
source = "dfar-io/app-gateway/azurerm"
rg_location = azurerm_resource_group.rg.location
rg_name = azurerm_resource_group.rg.name
backend_address_pools = [
name = local.ui-beap
ip_addresses = null
fqdns = ["UI_URL"]
name = local.api-beap
ip_addresses = null
fqdns = ["API_URL"]
backend_http_settings = [
name = local.ui-htst
path = "/"
is_https = true
request_timeout = 30
probe_name = null
name = local.api-htst
path = "/api/"
is_https = true
request_timeout = 30
probe_name = null
http_listeners = [
name = local.http-listener
ssl_certificate_name = null
host_name = null
path_based_request_routing_rules = [
name = "http-rqrt"
http_listener_name = local.http-listener
url_path_map_name = "http-url-path"
url_path_maps = [
name = "http-url-path"
default_backend_address_pool_name = local.ui-beap
default_backend_http_settings_name = local.ui-htst
path_rules = [
name = "api"
backend_address_pool_name = local.api-beap
backend_http_settings_name = local.api-htst
paths = ["/api/*"]
Before using this configuration, you'll need to create a PFX certificate and store the filepath and password of the PFX cert in Terraform variables.
module "app-gateway" {
source = "dfar-io/app-gateway/azurerm"
name = "${var.prefix}-${var.env}-sp"
rg_location = azurerm_resource_group.rg.location
rg_name = azurerm_resource_group.rg.name
domain_name_label = "${var.prefix}-${var.env}"
backend_address_pools = [
name = local.ui-beap
ip_addresses = null
fqdns = ["UI_URL"]
name = local.api-beap
ip_addresses = null
fqdns = ["API_URL"]
backend_http_settings = [
name = local.ui-htst
path = "/"
is_https = true
request_timeout = 30
probe_name = null
name = local.api-htst
path = "/api/"
is_https = true
request_timeout = 30
probe_name = null
http_listeners = [
name = local.http-listener
ssl_certificate_name = null
host_name = null
name = local.https-listener
ssl_certificate_name = local.ssl-certificate
host_name = null
redirect_request_routing_rules = [
name = "http-rqrt"
http_listener_name = local.http-listener
redirect_configuration_name = local.http-to-https
path_based_request_routing_rules = [
name = "https-rqrt"
http_listener_name = local.https-listener
url_path_map_name = local.https-url-path
url_path_maps = [
name = local.https-url-path
default_backend_address_pool_name = local.ui-beap
default_backend_http_settings_name = local.ui-htst
path_rules = [
name = "api"
backend_address_pool_name = local.api-beap
backend_http_settings_name = local.api-htst
paths = ["/api/*"]
redirect_configurations = [
name = local.http-to-https
redirect_type = "Permanent"
target_listener_name = local.https-listener
target_url = null
include_path = true
include_query_string = true
ssl_certificates = [
name = local.ssl-certificate
pfx_cert_filepath = var.pfx_cert_filepath
pfx_cert_password = var.pfx_cert_password