- Java 8 to 15
- Spring boot 2.4.2
- MongoDB 4.4.3
- MongoDB Java driver 4.1.1
- Maven 3.6.3
- Swagger 3.0.0
- Get started with a Free Tier Cluster on MongoDB Atlas.
- Read this blog post: Quick Start - Getting your Free MongoDB Atlas Cluster.
- You will need to update the default MongoDB URI
in theapplication.properties
- Start the server in a console with
mvn spring-boot:run
. - If you add some Unit Tests, you would start them with
mvn clean test
. - You can start the end to end tests with
mvn clean integration-test
. - You can build the project with :
mvn clean package
. - You can run the project with the fat jar and the embedded Tomcat:
java -jar target/java-spring-boot-mongodb-starter-1.0.0.jar
but I would use a real tomcat in production.
- Swagger 3 is already configured in this project in
. - The Swagger UI can be seen at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html.
- The Swagger API documentation 2.0 is at http://localhost:8080/v2/api-docs.
- The Open API documentation 3.0.3 is at http://localhost:8080/v3/api-docs.
- You can also try the entire REST API directly from the Swagger interface!
This project showcases several features of MongoDB:
- MongoDB multi-document ACID transactions for 3 functions. See
. - MongoDB Aggregation pipeline. See
. - Implementation of basic CRUD queries. See
. - MongoDB typed collection with automatic mapping to POJOs using codecs: See
. - How to manipulate correctly ObjectidId across, the REST API, the POJOs and the database itself. See the main trick in
And some other cool stuff:
- You can change the default Spring Boot logo by adding a banner.txt file in your properties.
- You don't have to use Spring Data MongoDB. The MongoDB driver is more flexible and already provides everything you need to code efficiently and optimise your queries correctly.
- Maxime Beugnet @ MongoDB.