If you want to learn aws solution architect, you need to start it as a code and kill all the topics,So let's stop talking and start rolling the ball.
- 01-IAM In Progress
- IAM-policy
- [IAM-role] In Progress
- IAM-user
- 02-EC2 In Progress
- 03-RDS In Progress
- 04-S3bucket In Progress
- 05-Route53 In Progress
- 06-CloudFront In Progress
- 07-SNS In Progress
- 08-ECS In Progress
- 09-EKS In Progress
- 10-ECR In Progress
- 11-CloudWatch In Progress
- 12-VPC In Progress
- 13-Redshift In Progress
- 14-Glue In Progress
- 15-MSK In Progress
- 16-Neptune In Progress
- 17-LB In Progress
- 18-ASG In Progress
- 19-SG In Progress
- 20-KMS In Progress
- 21-cloudtrail In Progress
- 22-waf In Progress
- 23-SQS In Progress
- 24-ACM In Progress
- 25-EFS In Progress