To mail daily/weekly/monthly trending repository from Github
I usually like to see what's trending in the Github. The problem is that most of the trending repositories are repetitive and I only want to see delta(new repositories
What does this project do:
I am using to fetch Github's trending repositories.
It will store that information in AWS DynamoDB table
Sample record:
"added_on": "2019-04-19 21:30:22",
"description": "All Algorithms implemented in Java",
"language": "java",
"name": "Java",
"url": ""
I am only interested in repositories with README and description in English. I use AWS Comprehend to check the language of the text and filter our non-English stuff.
I fetch new trending repositories and find delta after comparing it with existing DynamoDB data. Then, I use AWS SNS to push this data to a topic. I subscribed to that topic via email.