Create a new service file in the directory /lib/systemd/system. The naming convention can be like E.g.:- arcadedb-server.service
The content of the file can be referenced from the file added to this repository.
- WorkingDirectory = The home directory of the arcadedb release downloaded
- ExecStart= Use the arcadedb bin/server.sh script together with passing relevant arguments.
- systemctl daemon-reload #use this command to apply latest service file changes
- systemctl enable {SERVICE_NAME}.service #Enable the service to have it ready and started during system booting
- systemctl start {SERVICE_NAME}.service #Start the service
- systemctl status {SERVICE_NAME}.service #Status of the systemd service
- systemctl stop {SERVICE_NAME}.service #Stop the service
- systemctl restart {SERVICE_NAME}.service #Restart the service
Check the arcadedb processes are running:
- Run command: netstat -at . Verify the ports(default) 2480, 2424(if in HA) are running
Check the ArcadeDB service logs:
- journalctl -u {SERVICE_NAME}.service --since today -b -f #Recommended
- tail -100 /var/log/syslog