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Building Energy IoT Client



Installation in Windows

  • Download and install Python 3.5.x. For this guide, we assume Python is installed in C:\Python35.
  • Download the Pip (Python package installer) bootstrap script
  • In the command prompt, run C:\Python35\python.exe to install pip.
  • In the command prompt, run C:\Python35\scripts\pip install virtualenv to install virtualenv.
c:\location_of_project>c:\Python35\scripts\virtualenv --system-site-packages venv

Installation in Ubuntu / vagrant Ubuntu

Note: Working in Windows using an ubunutu box in vagrant has some pitfalls. The vagrant environment being used is "Homestead" mainly because I am comfortable with it and it provides out of the box a good working environment.

Environment Setup

Follow the guide for setting up homestead on found on the Laravel Page

Once you have a Homestead box up and running we will need to modify the Homestead.yaml file a bit. You can find it in the root of the cloned Homestead folders. If you followed the above guide it will be in C:\Users\UserName\Homestead. Well add a virtualenvs folder by default and link it to a windows folder called homesteadvirtualenvs

    - map: ~/homesteadvirtualenvs
      to: /home/vagrant/.virtualenvs

This will allow us to modify our file in a windows environment and have it mapped to the ubunut box.

Next we will need to add a to the provisioning script also found in the Homestead folder

#python3 virtual environments
sudo pip3 install virtualenvwrapper

Finally we need to add an alias, luckily there's an alias file where all our environment aliases are stored

source /usr/local/bin/

Creating a virtualenv This is the Windows specific pit fall because of symlinked folders. You need the --always-copy flag.

mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 capybara --always-copy
workon capybara

Starting the project

After activating the virtualenv do the following

sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt #or sudo pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt





Using capybara

Installing python App (capybara) into the system to have absolute path.

  • Cloning Capybara repository into RPI
git clone
  • Going to the directory which you have cloned this project (.../capybara/), then:
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Next, you need to go to ~/capybara/app/ copy example.config.yaml to be config.yaml:
sudo cp example.config.yaml config.yaml

sudo nano config.yaml
  • Next, you need to erase the value of NAME in config.yaml if you want to create new Device. Example:
  • Next, go back to ~/capybara
cd ..

Before using to install Capybara application into system, you should install and modify email information first here

  • Then, install capybara app into system
sudo python3 install
  • Next you will see where the project is installed in. It should be in:

Installing unit file Capybara_App.service.

  • You need to copy unit file Capybara_App.service into systemd/system. Example command:
~/capybara $ sudo cp Capybara_App.service /etc/systemd/system/
  • After copying unit file into .../system, you need to give the permission to execute the unit file. Example command:
sudo chmod 775 /etc/systemd/system/Capybara_App.service
  • Then, you need reload all unit files to recongnize your new service:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  • Next, you need to enable Capybara_App.service service:
sudo systemctl enable Capybara_App.service 
  • However, you need to reboot to enable RPI to read sensors
sudo reboot

Before start the service, you should install the email service first

  • After all, you can start/stop the service:
sudo service Capybara_App start
  • To show the status of service:
systemctl status Capybara_App.service
  • To show the systemd journal
Or: journalctl -xe 

Or: journalctl -f 

Note: the service will run continually, after the system is boot-up.

Installing email service

  • To analyse and inform to the manager to know if the system is stopped unintended.

  • To Install email service. You can follow the instruction here

  • Or follow the commands belows:

sudo apt-get install -y ssmtp
sudo apt-get install -y mailutils
  • Now edit the SSMTP configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf
  • Then you need to include this and specify the information of your_email_account:
[email protected]
  • Then, save and exit

  • Now, you can test the email service by using this:

echo "Hello world email body" | mail -s "Test Subject" [email protected]
  • Then, you need install mpack to send a file to email account:
sudo apt-get install -y mpack
  • Now, you can test the service by using this:
mpack -s "Test" /home/pi/some_folder/somefile.ext [email protected]

If you got the error while sending email, then you have to change the security setting in your email account.

  • For example, if you are using Gmail, you can follow the instruction here
1. Login to your gmail account
2. Go to: Settings -> Accounts and Import -> Other Google Account settings
3. Go to: Personal info & privacy -> Account overview
3. Go to: Sign-in & security -> Connect apps & sites
4. Set option Allow less secure apps to ON (on the bottom of page Sign-in & security)
  • Then, you need to specify the email address in
Before setup:
Example: sudo nano ~/capybara/app/ 
Or after setup:
Example: sudo nano /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/capybara-0.1-py3.5.egg/app/ 
  • In file:
In line 7:
os.system("""mpack -s "System got error" /home/pi/error_log.txt [email protected]""")

capybara was written by Jonathan Sarry <[email protected]>_.


Building Energy IoT Client






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