A simple e-commerce project's backend.
https://shopping-backend-sparkjava.herokuapp.com/api/getProducts?limit=45&offset=10 <-- Click this. To see it in action!
API Endpoint | Description |
/api/getProducts?limit=45&offset=10 | To return an array of products containing limit number of products, FROM offset Example: limit = 10, offset = 0, will return products from ID 0 to ID 9(If the database dosen't have enough products, let's say the system has 5 products, and limit = 10, offset = 1, then it will return an array of products from ID 1 to ID 4, and the last element of that array will be a message stating Database limit exceeded )It may return error if limit and offset are not positive integers |
/api/getAllProducts | To return an array containing all products |
/api/beta/tokenSignIn | To sign-in(or register) the user, with the id_token as a POST variable.(This system is using Google's OAuth2.0(see : https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/backend-auth))It will create a new session and return User signed-in (if there are no errors)It may return an internal server error, OAuth verification failed. These errors are self explanatory. If a previously registered user tries to log-in, then it will invalidate the previous session, and create a new one and return User signed-in |
/api/beta/signOut | Invalidates the session and returns User signed-out |
/api/beta/deleteUser | Invalidates the session, deletes the user from the database and returns User deleted |
/api/beta/addToCart?productID=45 | Adds an item(in this case, the item of product ID 45) to the cart It may return Unauthorized , if the user has not logged-in or registered. It may return errors, if the query parameter(productID=...) is not a positive integer, and it must not exceed the number of products in the database |
/api/beta/getUser | Returns the data stored in the database about the user It may return Unauthorized , if the user is not logged-in or registered |