This library provides your AIR app with the window API that should have been.
- single-line window instantiation without the need of NativeWindowInitOptions
- stage is no-scale and top-left align by default
- window manager for batch operations, like closing all windows
Instantiating a window. Unless specified, it uses the default NativeWindowInitOptions settings. It is also visible by default.
new Window();
Centering a window on the main screen.;
Centering a window on a specific rectangle. Rectangle(100.0, 200.0, 800.0, 600.0));
Centering a window on a second screen.
var secondScreen:Screen = Screen.screens[1];;
Managing windows.
windowManager.addWindow(new Window()); windowManager.removeWindow(window); windowManager.removeAllWindows();
Closing all windows (commonly used when quitting the application to ensure process closes)
Bring all windows to front.