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Destinygg Chat GUI


  • Node.js


  1. Install Node.js dependencies
npm ci
  1. Create a copy of the example .env file
cp .env.example .env
  1. (Optional) Use the developer tools in your web browser to access your cookies and obtain your session tokens: sid and rememberme

  2. (Optional) Add the tokens to your .env file

vim .env

Note: Save and exit vim with :wq.

  1. Run the Webpack development server
npm run start

Development server

Navigate to https://localhost:8282 in your web browser of choice to access a local instance of Dgg Chat GUI connected to production chat.

If you supplied your session tokens by following steps 3 and 4 above, you'll be authenticated and can chat like normal. Note that the tokens will eventually expire and won't automatically renew in this environment.

Query string parameters

  • t

    • Embed type
    • Possible values: embed for Bigscreen chat, stream for on-stream chat
    • Default: embed
  • f

    • Chat font scale
    • Possible values: An integer from 1 to 10
    • Note: Only works for the stream embed type


  • Open the on-stream chat with a font scale of 5