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This document describes how to build and test the Code42 homework.
While some of the testing is automated, the instructions implied the need for test drivers as well. As a result, both automated and manual tests are provided. The automated tests use JUnit while the manual tests are described in this document. The manual tests provide an easy way to test output to standard out, a requirement of at least one of the exercises.


There are two exercises here. The first, processes a text file, counting the occurrences of each non-numeric line and performing some basic operations on the numerics. This code can be found in the com.code42.inputAnalysis package. The second, implements a provided API for walking a provided path, visiting all its subsirectories (if it is a directory path), and collecting statistics on all of the files. This utility's code can be found in the com.code42.scanning package.

All implementations are located in the src/main/java directory, while the JUnit tests are located in the src/test/java directory. The test resources can be found in the src/test/resources directory.

Build Instructions

  • To build using gradle, execute the following (from the directory containing build.gradle):

    gradle wrapper
    ./gradlew build

    This was tested using gradle version 1.4 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. This will configure the gradle wrapper so we are using a consistent gradle version, build the jar file (build/libs/code42-1.0.jar) for the exercises, and run all JUnit tests. The output of the JUnit tests can be found in build/reports/tests/index.html. To build on Windows, replace ./gradlew with gradle.bat.

Testing: Exercise 1, The Input Analyzer

The JUnit tests are executed as part of the gradle build. To add additional tests, add or modify the testing classes located in the com.code42.inputAnalysis.test package under src/test/java.

To execute a non-JUnit test, you can use the included test driver. Run: java -classpath build/libs/code42-1.0.jar com.code42.inputAnalysis.InputAnalysisDriver <pathToFile> [stringToFind1] [stringToFind2] ... where

  • pathToFile is the absolute or relative path to the file to analyze (do not use "..", ".", wildcards, or other path elements that are normally processed by the shell in the path string),
  • stringToFind1...stringToFindN (optional) are the strings to find in the parsed file (case sensitive).

Manual Test Executions

Included are some test executions, showing both the command that was run and expected output. You can run these same commands from the top-level directory of the program distribution and should see the same results.
Note that this was tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS from bash.

The test input files for this set of tests can be found in src/test/resources/fileProcessor. In this directory, there are a number of test input files:

  • emptySampleInput.txt -- an empty file
  • givenSampleInput.txt -- a file containing the example text from the assignment description
  • overflowDouble.txt -- a file in which the numbers will cause the double to overflow
  • negativeNumbers.txt -- a file containing signed numbers and at least one number that is in scientific notation and one with a leading 0
  • sumTest.txt -- a file that contains numbers whose sum will have more than two decimal plances

Test 1: Invalid File

This checks that an exception is thrown if we attempt to analyze a non-existent file (bad input).

>$ java -classpath build/libs/code42-1.0.jar  com.code42.inputAnalysis.InputAnalysisDriver src/test/resources/fileProcessor/emptySample
Error encountered running the analysis.  Error details below: src/test/resources/fileProcessor/emptySample (No such file or directory)
    at Method)
    at com.code42.inputAnalysis.FileProcessor.<init>(
    at com.code42.inputAnalysis.InputAnalysisDriver.main(

Terminating test driver...

Test 2: Directory

This checks that an exception is thrown if we attempt to analyze a directory (another form of bad input).

>$ java -classpath build/libs/code42-1.0.jar  com.code42.inputAnalysis.InputAnalysisDriver src/test/resources/fileProcessor
Error encountered running the analysis.  Error details below: src/test/resources/fileProcessor (Is a directory)
    at Method)
    at com.code42.inputAnalysis.FileProcessor.<init>(
    at com.code42.inputAnalysis.InputAnalysisDriver.main(

Terminating test driver...

Test 3: Empty File, No String Search

Checks that if we are given an empty file, that the sum is 0, the average is undefined (since we cannot divide by 0), the median is none (since there is no median of an empty set), the percent lines in file that are numbers is undefined (again, divide by 0), and the set of non-numeric strings in the file is empty.

>$ java -classpath build/libs/code42-1.0.jar  com.code42.inputAnalysis.InputAnalysisDriver src/test/resources/fileProcessor/emptySampleInput.txt 
Printed String:
  Sum of Numbers: 0.00
  Average of Numbers: UNDEFINED
  Median of Numbers: NONE
  Percent of lines that are numbers: UNDEFINED (no lines parsed)
  Non-numeric strings in file (with count): NONE

Sum: 0.0
Number of Numbers: 0


Test 3: Empty File, With String Search

Does the same check as in Test 2, but it also attempts to find some strings in the file. They should all return false.

>$ java -classpath build/libs/code42-1.0.jar  com.code42.inputAnalysis.InputAnalysisDriver src/test/resources/fileProcessor/emptySampleInput.txt someString1 someString2 foo
Printed String:
  Sum of Numbers: 0.00
  Average of Numbers: UNDEFINED
  Median of Numbers: NONE
  Percent of lines that are numbers: UNDEFINED (no lines parsed)
  Non-numeric strings in file (with count): NONE

Sum: 0.0
Number of Numbers: 0

Strings Present?
  "someString1":  false
  "someString2":  false
  "foo":  false


Test 4: Provided Sample Input, With String Search

Checks that the provided test input gives us the numbers we expect (happy path test) and that we are able to find a string that was present in the file.

>$ java -classpath build/libs/code42-1.0.jar  com.code42.inputAnalysis.InputAnalysisDriver src/test/resources/fileProcessor/givenSampleInput.txt someString1 someString2 foo
 Printed String:
   Sum of Numbers: 16.20
   Average of Numbers: 5.40
   Median of Numbers: 5.00
   Percent of lines that are numbers: 42.86
   Non-numeric strings in file (with count):
     The quick brown fox:1
     jumped over the lazy dog.:1
 Sum: 16.2
 Number of Numbers: 3
 Strings Present?
   "someString1":  false
   "someString2":  false
   "foo":  true

Test 5: Double Overflow

This test case checks a number of things. First, it checks that we can overflow a double without an issue. Second, when we overflow the double, we can convert it back to a double correctly (as Infinity).
Third, we check that "0x555" gets treated as a string and not a number. Fourth, we check that MAX_DOUBLE is not included as a string present in the file.

>$ java -classpath build/libs/code42-1.0.jar  com.code42.inputAnalysis.InputAnalysisDriver src/test/resources/fileProcessor/overflowDouble.txt 0x555 1.7976931348623157E308
Printed String:
  Sum of Numbers: 1258385194403620990000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.00
  Average of Numbers: 179769313486231570000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.00
  Median of Numbers: 179769313486231570000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.00
  Percent of lines that are numbers: 70.00
  Non-numeric strings in file (with count):
    this is a realy large string unvnerivneirnvai inQPOM NVOIMP OUDVNWIeOJ I  WENWOIEVWIEMc ebiwebouneoeva .e weeoi !#@^ jvenro 6 ^# 7372294:1

Sum: Infinity
Number of Numbers: 7

Strings Present?
  "0x555":  true
  "1.7976931348623157E308":  false


Note, this was checked using the calculator tool in Linux (it did some rounding, but it seemed correct otherwise) and gedit to count the columns.

Test 6: Signed Numbers

We need to check the format of numbers that are acceptable, including specifying the sign or using scientific notation. Further, we might as well check for empty strings in the file.

>$ java -classpath build/libs/code42-1.0.jar  com.code42.inputAnalysis.InputAnalysisDriver src/test/resources/fileProcessor/negativeNumbers.txt "" " "
Printed String:
  Sum of Numbers: -99680.90
  Average of Numbers: -14240.13
  Median of Numbers: -0.05
  Percent of lines that are numbers: 77.78
  Non-numeric strings in file (with count):

Sum: -99680.9
Number of Numbers: 7

Strings Present?
  "":  true
  " ":  false


This found an issue with the division operation when computing the arithmetic mean. It turns out that we needed to ensure there was some rounding during the division because it would continue to compute the decimal value for an infinite number of places (or when the JVM decided to throw an ArithmeticException).

Test 7: Sum Precision

We want to check that the getTotal() function returns a value that has been rounded to 2 decimal places.

>$ java -classpath build/libs/code42-1.0.jar  com.code42.inputAnalysis.InputAnalysisDriver src/test/resources/fileProcessor/sumTest.txt "" " "
Printed String:
  Sum of Numbers: 6.07
  Average of Numbers: 2.02
  Median of Numbers: 2.02
  Percent of lines that are numbers: 100.00
  Non-numeric strings in file (with count): NONE

Sum: 6.07
Number of Numbers: 3

Strings Present?
  "":  false
  " ":  false


Testing: Exercise 2, The File Scanner

The JUnit tests are executed as part of the gradle build. To add additional tests, add or modify the testing classes located in the com.code42.scanning.test package under src/test/java.

To execute a non-JUnit test, you can use the included test driver. Run: java -classpath build/libs/code42-1.0.jar com.code42.scanning.FileScannerDriver <pathToScan>

Manual Test Executions

Included are some example test executions, both the command and expected output. You can run these same commands from the top-level directory of the program distribution and should see the same results. Note that this was tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS from bash.

The test resources are located in src/test/resources/scanning. The directory is laid out as follows dirA/ dir1/ emptyFile.txt -- a 0B file lorem2055 -- a 2055B text file with ipsum lorem dir2/ lorem71919 -- a 71919B text file with ipsum lorem dirB/ LICENSE -- a 313B file containing the image license info Minneapolis-20060311.jpg -- a 9245B file containing an image of Minneapolis dirC/ -- only created for Test 6 dirD/ -- an empty directory

Test 1: Invalid File

This checks that an exception is thrown if we attempt to scan a non-existent path (bad input).

>$ java -classpath build/libs/code42-1.0.jar  com.code42.scanning.FileScannerDriver badFileName
Error encountered running the scanner.  Error details below:

java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: badFileName
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException(
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixFileAttributeViews$Basic.readAttributes(
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.readAttributes(
    at sun.nio.fs.LinuxFileSystemProvider.readAttributes(
    at java.nio.file.Files.readAttributes(
    at java.nio.file.FileTreeWalker.getAttributes(
    at java.nio.file.FileTreeWalker.visit(
    at java.nio.file.FileTreeWalker.walk(
    at java.nio.file.FileTreeIterator.<init>(
    at java.nio.file.Files.walk(
    at java.nio.file.Files.walk(
    at com.code42.scanning.FileScanner.scan(
    at com.code42.scanning.FileScannerDriver.main(

Terminating test driver...

Test 2: Valid File

Checks that we can scan a single file (without looking at the directory).

>$ java -classpath build/libs/code42-1.0.jar  com.code42.scanning.FileScannerDriver src/test/resources/scanning/dirA/dir1/lorem2055 
Number of files scanned: 1
Number of directories scanned: 0
Total size (in B) of all scanned files: 2055
Average size (in B) of all scanned files: 2055

Test 3: Valid Directory with no Subdirectories

Checks that we can scan a valid directory that contains no subdirectories. The valid directory is non-empty and contains text files.

>$ java -classpath build/libs/code42-1.0.jar  com.code42.scanning.FileScannerDriver src/test/resources/scanning/dirA/dir1
Number of files scanned: 2
Number of directories scanned: 1
Total size (in B) of all scanned files: 2055
Average size (in B) of all scanned files: 1027

Test 4: Valid directory with Multiple, Non-empty Subdirectories

Checks that we can scan a directory that contains a number of non-empty subdirectories (each containing only text files).

>$ java -classpath build/libs/code42-1.0.jar  com.code42.scanning.FileScannerDriver src/test/resources/scanning/dirA
Number of files scanned: 3
Number of directories scanned: 3
Total size (in B) of all scanned files: 73974
Average size (in B) of all scanned files: 24658

Test 5: Valid directory with a Non-text File

Checks that we can scan both binary and text files.

>$ java -classpath build/libs/code42-1.0.jar  com.code42.scanning.FileScannerDriver src/test/resources/scanning/dirB
Number of files scanned: 2
Number of directories scanned: 1
Total size (in B) of all scanned files: 9558
Average size (in B) of all scanned files: 4779

Test 6: Symlinks

Checks that symlinks are not followed and that we do not have a divide by 0 error when computing the average.

  • Preparation

    cd src/test/resources/scanning/
    mkdir dirC
    cd dirC
    ln -s $(cd "../dirA"; echo $(pwd)) dirA
    ln -s $(cd "../dirB"; echo $(pwd)) dirB
    cd ../../../../..
  • Execution

    >$java -classpath build/libs/code42-1.0.jar  com.code42.scanning.FileScannerDriver src/test/resources/scanning/dirC
    Number of files scanned: 0
    Number of directories scanned: 3
    Total size (in B) of all scanned files: 0
    Average size (in B) of all scanned files: -1

Notice that the result was a negative average size. At this point, that means that the size is not computable. I use -1 because I didn't want to change the given signature to allow me to properly throw an exception here. Further, I wasn't sure if throwing a RuntimeException is permitted by the organization's coding standards.

Test 7: Empty Directory

Checks that we do not have a divide by 0 error when computing the average. See note in Test 6 regarding a -1 average.

>$ java -classpath build/libs/code42-1.0.jar  com.code42.scanning.FileScannerDriver src/test/resources/scanning/dirD
Number of files scanned: 0
Number of directories scanned: 1
Total size (in B) of all scanned files: 0
Average size (in B) of all scanned files: -1


Code42 Interview Code






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