Starting on Nov. 28, 2022, free Heroku dynos will no longer be available. This guide will still be relevant, but hosting your bot through Heroku will be a paid service.
Create accounts for the following:
- Discord:
- GitHub:
- Heroku:
Discord Developer Portal:
- Create a new developer application using the 'New Application' button.
- Open up your application and create your bot using the 'Add Bot' button under the Bot settings.
- Make sure to use the 'Copy' button under Token to copy your bot token. Take note of your token as you will need it to connect to your bot.
- Fork a copy of this repository using the 'Fork' button on GitHub.
- Create a Heroku application:
- Navigate to the 'Deploy' section and do the following:
- Under Deployment method, connect your GitHub account to Heroku.
- Use the search field to search for the forked repository to connect to your Heroku application.
- You can 'Enable Automatic Deploys' to automatically redeploy the application after every commit on GitHub.
- Navigate to the 'Settings' section and do the following:
- Under Config Vars, 'Reveal Config Vars' to reveal KEY and VALUE and enter the following:
- VALUE: (Enter the bot token copied from the Discord Developer Portal)
- 'Add' your bot token to Config Vars.
- Under Config Vars, 'Reveal Config Vars' to reveal KEY and VALUE and enter the following:
- Navigate to the 'Resources' section and do the following:
- Switch on your worker by using the 'Pencil' icon and confirming your decision.
Note: You are given 550 free Dyno hours, which will not span the entire month; however, if you provide a credit card to verify your identity, you are given an additional 450 Dyno hours, which will allow your bot to run 24/7.This will no longer be applicable as of Nov. 28, 2022.