Synopsis: In the typical fashion you will be creating a todo list tracker. Part of this has been set up for you to decrease the amount of time spent doing setup tasks and allowing you to focus more on development.
- To assess technical skills in full stack development in the frameworks and languages that we use
- Assessment should take less than 2 hours to complete
- When challenge is completed evaluators should be able to run
docker-compose up
on your project and after initial provisioning and set up the all challenges are completed and work as expected.
- Webserver is exposed on port 443. Host file entries should be made for (frontend) and (api).
- Frontend container exposes port 3000 and should be named
- API container exposes port 9000 and should be named
- Set up a docker-compose.yml that has 4 services in it. The
's for all services are in their respective directories- Nginx webserver
- PHP FPM container running the API code
- This should mount the volume containing the
directory @/var/www/html/api
- This should mount the volume containing the
- A node container to run the NextJS Frontend
- This should mount the volume containing the
directory @/app
- This should mount the volume containing the
- A postgres database container that loads in the schema data from the files provided
- Add 2 fields to the database, created_at and completed_at.
- Add an index for each of the new fields
Reference Docs: Symfony: Api Platform:
- Update the entity with the 2 new fields
- Add a calculated field that will show task working time (completed_at - created_at)
- When a todo item is created, the created_at time should be automatically updated.
- When a todo item is marked as completed, the completed_at time should be automatically updated.
Reference Docs: NextJs:
- Create a page that houses the todo interface
- The page should:
- List all current todos when loaded
- Allow for the creation of new todo items, persisting them to the database
- Allow for the removal of items
- Allow items to be marked as completed