This demo uses minikube to create 2 Kubernetes clusters (4 nodes) each and configures calico with route reflectors to establish a flat network between the two clusters.
# Provision the clusters
End-to-End Validation
# Create a server pod on cluster 1
kubectl --context cluster1 -n default run server -i --tty --image=giantswarm/tiny-tools --restart=Never --rm -- sh
# Get the ip address of the pod
/ # hostname -i| awk '{print $1}'
# Start an nc server
/ # nc -l 1111
# On another terminal tab
# Create a clinet pod on cluster 2
kubectl --context cluster2 -n default run client -i --tty --image=giantswarm/tiny-tools --restart=Never --rm -- sh
# Start connect to the nc server
nc 1111
Please check the Blog post for more details.